
decently, adv.decentness, n.
/dee"seuhnt/, adj.
1. conforming to the recognized standard of propriety, good taste, modesty, etc., as in behavior or speech.
2. respectable; worthy: a decent family.
3. adequate; fair; passable: a decent wage.
4. kind; obliging; generous: It was very decent of him to lend me his watch.
5. suitable; appropriate: She did not have a decent coat for the cold winter.
6. of fairly attractive appearance: a decent face.
7. Informal. wearing enough clothing to appear in public.
8. Slang. great; wonderful.
[1485-95; < L decent- (s. of decens) fitting (prp. of decere to be fitting; see -ENT), akin to decus honor]
Syn. 1. seemly, proper, decorous. 5. apt, fit, becoming.
Ant. 1. unseemly. 5. inappropriate.

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