
/kerr"ee, kur"ee/, n., pl. curries, v., curried, currying.
1. East Indian Cookery. a pungent dish of vegetables, onions, meat or fish, etc., flavored with various spices or curry powder, and often eaten with rice.
2. any dish flavored with curry powder or the like: a lamb curry.
3. See curry powder.
4. give (someone) a bit of curry, Australian. to rebuke, discipline, or criticize; harass.
5. to cook or flavor (food) with curry powder or a similar combination of spices: to curry eggs.
Also, currie.
[1590-1600; < Tamil kari sauce]
/kerr"ee, kur"ee/, v.t., curried, currying.
1. to rub and clean (a horse) with a currycomb.
2. to dress (tanned hides) by soaking, scraping, beating, coloring, etc.
3. to beat; thrash.
4. curry favor, to seek to advance oneself through flattery or fawning: His fellow workers despised him for currying favor with the boss.
[1250-1300; ME cor(r)ayen, cor(r)eyen < AF curreier, c. OF correer, earlier conreer to make ready < VL *conredare; see CORODY]

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(from Tamil kari, "sauce") Dish or sauce in Indian cuisine.

It is seasoned with a mixture of spices often including turmeric, cumin, coriander, ginger, as well as garlic and chiles. Some of the curry spices are known for their antiseptic and preservative properties. Curries have been a part of South Asian cookery since antiquity. The primarily vegetarian curries of southern India are the most pungent. Those of northern India, where lamb and poultry are eaten, generally avoid hot or pungent ingredients.

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      county, eastern New Mexico, U.S., a farming region in the High Plains, bordered on the east by Texas. It is an extremely flat area, varied only by a few canyons and dry creek beds. Black-Water Draw National Archaeological Site and Cannon Air Force Base are located in the county.

      The area has been populated since about 10,000 BC, and Comanche Indians roamed it in the 18th and 19th centuries. The town of Texico, on the Texas border, became one of the most violent western towns in the early 20th century. Curry county was founded in 1909 and named for the then governor of New Mexico territory. The county's residents lived by dry farming until the 1940s, when irrigation from deep wells was begun; cattle feedlots and farming (wheat, corn [maize], sorghum, vegetables, potatoes) are the bases of the economy. Clovis is the county seat. Area 1,406 square miles (3,642 square km). Pop. (2000) 45,044; (2007 est.) 45,328.

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Universalium. 2010.

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