- Cunaxa
/kyooh nak"seuh/, n.an ancient town in Babylonia, near the Euphrates: famous battle between Cyrus the Younger and Artaxerxes II in 401 B.C.
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
Cunaxa — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Antigua aldea situada junto al Éufrates a unos 60 Km. al norte de Babilonia según Jenofonte o a 85 km. según Plutarco, al NE de Ctesiphon donde en el año 401 a. C. se produjo el enfrentamiento armado… … Wikipedia Español
Cunaxa — Cunaxa, batalla de … Enciclopedia Universal
CUNAXA — locus Assyriae, ubi inter Artaxerxem Regem, et Cyrum eius fratrem dimicatum est, a Babylone 500 stad. Plut … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Cunaxa — [kyo͞o nak′sə] ancient town in Babylonia, near the Euphrates: site of a battle (401 B.C. ) in which Cyrus the Younger was killed … English World dictionary
Cunaxa — Counaxa Counaxa ou Cunaxa, en grec ancien Κούναξα / Kounaxa était au Ve siècle avant J. C. un village de Perse, situé sur la rive gauche de l Euphrate à 60 ou 90 km au nord de Babylone. Il était dominé, selon Xénophon, par un tell. On n en… … Wikipédia en Français
Cunaxa — noun battle in 401 BC when the Artaxerxes II defeated his younger brother who tried to usurp the throne • Syn: ↑battle of Cunaxa • Regions: ↑Babylonia, ↑Chaldaea, ↑Chaldea • Instance Hypernyms: ↑pitched battle * * * … Useful english dictionary
Cunaxa, Battle of — ▪ Middle Eastern history (401 BC), battle fought between Cyrus The Younger, satrap of Anatolia, and his brother Artaxerxes II over the Achaemenian throne. Attempting to overthrow Artaxerxes, Cyrus massed his forces and marched inland from… … Universalium
Cunaxa, batalla de — ► HISTORIA Célebre combate librado en 401 a C junto a Cunaxa (Mesopotamia) a orillas del Éufrates, en el que Ciro el Joven fue derrotado y muerto por su hermano Artajerjes II, rey de Persia … Enciclopedia Universal
Cunaxa — geographical name town in ancient Babylonia NW of Babylon … New Collegiate Dictionary
CUNAXA — a town in Babylonia, on the Euphrates, 60 m. N. of Babylon … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia