
/keuh lekt"/, v.t.
1. to gather together; assemble: The professor collected the students' exams.
2. to accumulate; make a collection of: to collect stamps.
3. to receive or compel payment of: to collect a bill.
4. to regain control of (oneself or one's thoughts, faculties, composure, or the like): At the news of her promotion, she took a few minutes to collect herself.
5. to call for and take with one: He drove off to collect his guests. They collected their mail.
6. Manège. to bring (a horse) into a collected attitude.
7. Archaic. to infer.
8. to gather together; assemble: The students collected in the assembly hall.
9. to accumulate: Rain water collected in the barrel.
10. to receive payment (often fol. by on): He collected on the damage to his house.
11. to gather or bring together books, stamps, coins, etc., usually as a hobby: He's been collecting for years.
12. Manège. (of a horse) to come into a collected attitude.
adj., adv.
13. requiring payment by the recipient: a collect telephone call; a telegram sent collect.
[1375-1425; late ME < L collectus (ptp. of colligere to collect), equiv. to col- COL-1 + leg- (s. of legere to gather) + -tus ptp. suffix]
Syn. 1. See gather. 1, 2. amass, aggregate. 4. compose, calm.
Ant. 1. broadcast. 2. distribute.
/kol"ekt/, n.
any of certain brief prayers used in Western churches esp. before the epistle in the communion service.
[1150-1200; ME collecte < ML, short for oratio ad collectam prayer at collection (see COLLECT1)]

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  • collect — collect1 [kə lekt′] vt. [ME collecten < OFr collecter < L collectus: see COLLECT2] 1. to gather together; assemble 2. to gather (stamps, books, etc.) as a hobby 3. to call for and receive (money) for (rent, a fund, taxes, bills, etc.) 4. to …   English World dictionary

  • Collect — Col lect, n. [LL. collecta, fr. L. collecta a collection in money; an assemblage, fr. collerige: cf. F. collecte. See {Collect}, v. t.] A short, comprehensive prayer, adapted to a particular day, occasion, or condition, and forming part of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • collect — Ⅰ. collect [1] ► VERB 1) bring or gather together. 2) systematically acquire (items of a particular kind) as a hobby. 3) call for and take away; fetch. 4) call for and receive as a right or due. 5) (collect oneself) regain control of onese …   English terms dictionary

  • Collect — Col*lect , v. i. 1. To assemble together; as, the people collected in a crowd; to accumulate; as, snow collects in banks. [1913 Webster] 2. To infer; to conclude. [Archaic] [1913 Webster] Whence some collect that the former word imports a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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