chip shot

chip shot
a shot that is purposely hit fairly high into the air and is meant to roll upon landing, used in approaching the green. Also called pitch-and-run shot, pitch-and-run.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • chip shot — chip′ shot n. spo short shot in golf on approaching a green that is intentionally hit high into the air • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • chip shot — n. Golf a short, lofted shot, made esp. from just off the putting green …   English World dictionary

  • chip shot — noun (golf) a low running approach shot • Syn: ↑chip • Derivationally related forms: ↑chip (for: ↑chip) • Topics: ↑golf, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • chip shot — /ˈtʃɪp ʃɒt/ (say chip shot) noun 1. Golf a short shot using a wrist motion, made in approaching the green. 2. Soccer a shot at goal in which the ball is lofted over the goalkeeper s head and under the crossbar into the goal. 3. Tennis → chop… …  

  • chip shot — noun Date: 1909 1. a short usually low approach shot in golf that lofts the ball to the green and allows it to roll 2. a short and easy field goal in football …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • chip — [chip] vt. chipped, chipping [ME chippen < OE * cippian < cipp, log, plowshare < L cippus, post, stake < IE base * k̑eipo , sharp post] 1. Rare to cut or chop with an ax or other sharp tool 2. a) to break or cut a small piece or thin… …   English World dictionary

  • chip — chip1 chippable, adj. /chip/, n., v., chipped, chipping. n. 1. a small, slender piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking. 2. a very thin slice or small piece of food, candy, etc.: chocolate chips. 3. a mark or flaw made by… …   Universalium

  • chip — I [[t]tʃɪp[/t]] n. v. chipped, chip•ping 1) a small, slender piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking 2) coo a very thin slice or small piece of food, candy, etc.: chocolate chips[/ex] 3) a mark or flaw made by the breaking… …   From formal English to slang

  • chip — I. /tʃɪp / (say chip) noun 1. a small piece, as of wood, separated by chopping, cutting, or breaking. 2. a very thin slice or piece of food, etc.: chocolate chips. 3. Also, potato chip. a. a deep fried finger of potato. b. a thin slice of potato …  

  • chip — I. noun Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old English cippian Date: 14th century 1. a. a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) cut, struck, or flaked off b. a small piece of food: as (1) a small thin slice of food; especially… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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