chestnut blight

chestnut blight
Plant Pathol.
a disease of chestnuts, esp. the American chestnut, characterized by bark lesions that girdle and eventually kill the tree, caused by a fungus, Endothia parasitica.
[1905-10, Amer.]

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Plant disease caused by the fungus Endothia parasitica.

Accidentally imported from East Asia and first observed in 1904 in New York, it has killed almost all native American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) in the U.S. and Canada and is destructive in other countries. Other blight-susceptible species include the European chestnut (C. sativa), the post oak (Quercus stellata), and the live oak. Symptoms include reddish brown bark patches that develop into sunken or swollen and cracked cankers that kill twigs and limbs. Leaves on such branches turn brown and wither but remain attached for months. Gradually the entire tree dies. The fungus persists for years in short-lived sprouts from old chestnut roots and in less susceptible hosts. It is spread locally by splashing rain, wind, and insects, and over long distances by birds. Chinese (C. mollissima) and Japanese (C. crenata) chestnuts are resistant.

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      a plant disease caused by the fungus Endothia parasitica. It has killed virtually all native American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) in the United States and Canada and is also destructive in other countries. Other blight-susceptible species include Spanish chestnut (C. stavia), post oak (Quercus stellata), and live oak (Q. virginiana). In Europe several oak species are affected.

      Accidentally imported from the Orient, the disease was first observed in 1904 in the New York Zoological Gardens. By 1925 it had decimated the American chestnut population in an area extending over 1,000 miles (1,600 km) north, south, and west of its entry point. Symptoms include reddish brown bark patches that develop into sunken or swollen and cracked cankers that kill twigs and limbs. Leaves on such branches turn brown and wither but remain attached for months. Gradually the entire tree dies. The fungus persists for years in short-lived sprouts from old chestnut roots and in less susceptible hosts. It is spread locally by splashing rain, wind, and insects; over long distances, by birds. Chinese (C. mollissima) and Japanese (C. crenata) chestnuts are resistant. Crosses between American and Asian species have produced varieties with excellent nuts, but timber quality is closely linked with blight susceptibility. In the 1970s a native American strain of chestnut blight was identified. Experiments indicated that the native strain was less virulent than other strains and that it had a nullifying effect on lethal strains. Unfortunately, the mild strain of blight does not readily spread from tree to tree among American chestnuts.

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Universalium. 2010.

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