
/sheuh rayd"/; esp. Brit. /sheuh rahd"/, n.
1. charades, (used with a sing. v.) a game in which the players are typically divided into two teams, members of which take turns at acting out in pantomime a word, phrase, title, etc., which the members of their own team must guess.
2. a word or phrase acted out in this game.
3. a blatant pretense or deception, esp. something so full of pretense as to be a travesty.
[1770-80; < F < Pr charrad(o) entertainment, equiv. to charr(á) to chat, chatter (from imit. root) + -ado -ADE1]

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      originally a kind of riddle, probably invented in France during the 18th century, in which a word or phrase is divined by guessing and combining its different syllables, each of which is described independently by the giver of the charade. Charades may be given in prose or verse. The following is an example of a poetic charade:

My first is a Tartar,
My second a letter;
My all is a country,
No Christmas dish better.

      The solution is Turkey (Turk-e).

      The most popular form of this amusement is the acted charade, in which the different syllables are acted out. A brilliant description of the acted charade is given in William Makepeace Thackeray's novel Vanity Fair (1848). In the United States the charade in somewhat different form was resurgent in the 1930s and 1940s and again after World War II. It was called “the Game” and was frequently played at parties. The group of players was divided into two teams. Each team designated one member of the opposing team to act out a quotation, the name of a person living or dead, a phrase, or an idea in such manner that his teammates might identify it. The designated actor was not permitted to use his voice or to indicate any inanimate object in the room. The actor tried to assist his teammates in guessing the subject in the shortest possible time. The team that arrived at the correct answer in the shorter time won.

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  • charade — [ ʃarad ] n. f. • 1770; provenç. charrado « causerie », de charra « causer » ♦ Énigme où l on doit deviner un mot de plusieurs syllabes décomposé en parties correspondant à un mot défini. ⇒ devinette. Le mot de la charade s appelle le tout ou l… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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