- Bremerton
/brem"euhr teuhn/, n.
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city, Kitsap county, western Washington, U.S., on Port Orchard Bay across Puget Sound from Seattle (connected by ferry). William Bremer laid out the site in 1891 and promoted the establishment of the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. The city expanded as the northern home of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and consolidated with Manette (East Bremerton), annexing Charleston (West Bremerton) in 1927. Although the rapid growth of Kitsap county in the 1990s led to some diversification of the economy, Bremerton remains heavily dependent on military expenditures. The city is the site of U.S. naval facilities once dedicated to the production, and now to the disposal, of nuclear weapons and vessels; the port shelters a large “mothball fleet.” The Bremerton Naval Museum preserves the USS C. Turner Joy, one of two destroyers involved in the incidents that precipitated the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, deepening U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Lumber and dairy industries also contribute to the city's economy. Bremerton is home to Olympic College (1946; two-year) and is a gateway to the recreational areas of the Olympic Peninsula. Inc. 1901. Pop. (1990) city, 38,142; Bremerton PMSA, 189,731; Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton CMSA, 2,970,328; (2000) city, 37,259; Bremerton PMSA, 231,969; Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton CMSA, 3,554,760.* * *
Universalium. 2010.