
/bok"seuhr/, n.
1. a person who fights as a sport, usually with gloved fists, according to set rules; prize-fighter; pugilist.
2. one of a German breed of medium-sized, stocky, short-haired, pug-faced dogs having a brindled or tan coat with white markings.
3. a person or thing that packs items into boxes.
4. boxers. See boxer shorts.
[1735-45; BOX2 + -ER1]

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Smooth-haired breed of working dog named for its manner of "boxing" with its sturdy front paws when beginning to fight.

Developed in Germany, it includes strains of bulldog and terrier in its heritage. Because of its reputation for courage, aggressiveness, and intelligence, it has been used in police work; it is also valued as a watchdog and companion. Trim and squarely built, it has a short, square muzzle; a black mask on its face; and a shiny, shorthaired coat of reddish brown or brindle. It stands 21–24 in. (53–61 cm) high and weighs 60–70 lbs (27–32 kg).

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▪ breed of dog
 smooth-haired working dog breed named for its manner of “boxing” with its sturdy front paws when fighting. The boxer, developed in Germany, includes strains of bulldog and Great Dane in its heritage. Because of its reputation for courage, aggressiveness, and intelligence, it has been used in police work but is also valued as a watchdog and companion. It is a trim, squarely built dog with a short, square-shaped muzzle, a black mask on its face, and a shiny shorthaired coat of fawn (reddish brown) or brindle. It stands 21 to 25 inches (53 to 63.5 cm) and weighs 60 to 70 pounds (27 to 32 kg).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • boxer — BOXÉR, boxeri, s.m. Sportiv care practică boxul; pugilist. – Din fr. boxeur. Trimis de valeriu, 21.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98  BOXÉR s. (SPORT) pugilist. Trimis de siveco, 05.08.2004. Sursa: Sinonime  boxér s. m., pl. boxéri Trimis de siveco, 10.08 …   Dicționar Român

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