
bonnily, adv.bonniness, n.
/bon"ee/, adj., bonnier, bonniest, adv., n.
1. Chiefly Scot. pleasing to the eye; handsome; pretty.
2. Brit. Dial.
a. (of people) healthy, sweet, and lively.
b. (of places) placid; tranquil.
c. pleasing; agreeable; good.
3. Brit. Dial. pleasingly; agreeably; very well.
4. Scot. and North Eng. Archaic. a pretty girl or young woman.
Also, bonnie.
[1425-75; late ME (Scots) bonie, perh. < OF bon good + -ie -Y1, perh. by analogy with jolie JOLLY]

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formerly  Ibani  or  Ubani 

      town and Atlantic oil port situated in Rivers state, southern Nigeria. It lies along the Bonny River (an eastern distributary of the Niger River) 6 miles (10 km) upstream from the Bight of Biafra (Biafra, Bight of). A traditional trading centre (fish, salt, palm oil, and palm kernels) of the Ijo people, it was the capital of the 15th- to 19th-century kingdom of Bonny. Reaching its height in the reign of the Pepple dynasty in the 18th and early 19th centuries, its economy (and the kingdom's) was based on the sale of slaves to European traders. It was one of the largest slave-exporting depots of West Africain 1790 about 20,000 people (most of them Igbo and other hinterland groups) were shipped to the Americas. The Pepple kings were unhappy with the British decision in the 1830s to enforce the end of the slave trade; but British arms and political intrigue proved decisive, and by the 1850s Bonny had become a major exporter of palm oil and palm kernels. It remained an important port (shipping ivory, timber, and beeswax, as well as palm produce) until 1916, when it was eclipsed by Port Harcourt, the new railroad terminus 35 miles (56 km) upstream.

      Not until the exploitation of oil in the Niger River delta began in the late 1950s did the port regain its former importance. Since 1961 it has been the chief shipper of the delta's oil, and in 1964 its harbour was enlarged to accommodate vessels of up to 35-foot (11-metre) draft. The port has numerous storage tanks for the oil brought in by pipelines.

      The town of Bonny also has a government health centre, an Anglican cathedral (1889), and a local industry which exports coconuts and coir (coconut fibre). Pop. (2006) local government area, 215,358.

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