AGP abbr.
accelerated graphics port.

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in full  accelerated graphics port 

      graphics hardware technology first introduced in 1996 by the American integrated-circuit (integrated circuit) manufacturer Intel Corporation. AGP uses a direct channel to a computer's CPU ( central processing unit) and system memory—unlike PCI (peripheral component interconnect), an earlier graphics card standard on which AGP was based. In graphics-intense applications, this direct channel gives AGP a performance advantage over PCI, which had been used for graphics cards, network cards, and countless other devices.

      Shortly after its introduction, AGP was adopted by most computer hardware manufacturers, quickly supplanting PCI as the standard used for graphics cards. Soon afterward the AGP standard was revised, and it has been modified a few times since. Each revision improved the performance of AGP by adding new features. In addition, each AGP revision—1X, 2X, and 4X—has had double the bandwidth of the previous mode. A related standard, AGP Pro, provides additional power to meet the needs of high-end computer workstations.

      AGP's role as the leading graphics technology has been challenged by the introduction of PCI Express, a high-speed version of PCI that is meant to replace both PCI and AGP.

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Universalium. 2010.

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