
blackberrylike, adj.
/blak"ber'ee, -beuh ree/, n., pl. blackberries.
1. the fruit, black or very dark purple when ripe, of certain species of the genus Rubus.
2. the plant itself.
[bef. 1000; ME blakeberie, OE blaceberie. See BLACK, BERRY]

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Usually prickly, fruit-bearing bush of the genus Rubus, in the rose family, native chiefly to northern temperate regions.

The blackberry is abundant in eastern North America and on the Pacific coast; in Europe it is common in thickets and hedges. Its usually biennial, prickly, and erect, semierect, or trailing stems bear leaves with usually three or five oval, coarsely toothed, stalked leaflets; white, pink, or red flowers in terminal clusters; and black or red-purple aggregate fruits. The several trailing species are commonly called dewberries. Blackberries are a fairly good source of iron and vitamin C.

Blackberry (Rubus).

Derek Fell

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wireless device
 wireless handheld communications device manufactured by the Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM).

      The BlackBerry's roots go back to the RIM 850, a pager created by RIM in 1999. Featuring a tiny keyboard, the device provided wireless e-mail access, allowing users to send and receive messages while on the go. Soon after, RIM released a faster, more powerful device, the RIM 857. The 857 looked more like a personal digital assistant ( PDA) and could sync up with personal and business e-mail accounts. Sales of these new devices started off slowly, with only 25,000 users the first year, but those numbers quickly grew. The first BlackBerry devices were released in the early 2000s. Offering cellular phone (mobile telephone) service, wireless e-mail capability, and Internet access, the newsmartphonestook the business world by storm. Cellular phone providers soon began adding BlackBerry-capable phones to their offerings.

      The initial success of the BlackBerry was almost undone, however. Patent disputes with NTP Inc., an American patent holding company, delayed the release of new devices. The BlackBerry continuously receives e-mail, calendar entries, and data files through the Internet and the cellular phone network, according to rules set by the user. This is known aspush technology,” and NTP claimed that they had a patent on a similar technology and filed an infringement suit against RIM in 2001. The ensuing legal battle lasted for several years and nearly shut down BlackBerry service. NTP and RIM settled the dispute in 2006 for more than $600 million, with NTP granting a license to RIM to use its patent.

      In 2008 the BlackBerry Storm, a touch-screen smartphone similar to Apple Inc.'s iPhone, was released. The BlackBerry continues to gain popularity, with new models designed for both ordinary consumers and business users. The BlackBerry has even been added to the vernacular, withBlackBerry thumb” (a repetitive-stress injury from excessive BlackBerry use) becoming part of common usage.

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Universalium. 2010.

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