- beryllium
/beuh ril"ee euhm/, n. Chem.a steel-gray, bivalent, hard, light, metallic element, the salts of which are sweet: used chiefly in copper alloys for better fatigue endurance, in springs, and in electrical contacts. Symbol: Be; at. wt.: 9.0122; at. no.: 4; sp. gr.: 1.8 at 20° C.[1860-65; < L beryll(us) BERYL + -IUM]
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Chemical element, lightest of the alkaline earth metals, chemical symbol Be, atomic number 4.It does not occur uncombined in nature but is found chiefly as the mineral beryl (of which emerald and aquamarine are gemstone varieties). Beryllium metal, particularly in alloys, has many structural and thermal applications; it is used in nuclear reactors. Beryllium has valence 2 in all its compounds, which are generally colourless and taste distinctly sweet. All soluble beryllium compounds are toxic. Beryllium oxide is used in specialized ceramics for nuclear devices, and beryllium chloride is a catalyst for organic reactions.* * *
Introductionformerly (until 1957) glucinium,chemical element, one of the alkaline-earth metals of Group 2 (IIa) of the periodic table, used in metallurgy as a hardening agent and in many space and nuclear applications. Beryllium was discovered (1798) as the oxide by Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin in beryl and in emeralds, and was isolated (1828) as the metal independently by Friedrich Wöhler and A.-A.-B. Bussy by the reduction of its chloride with potassium.Properties, occurrence, and usesBeryllium is a steel-gray metal, quite brittle at room temperature, and its chemical properties somewhat resemble those of aluminum. It does not occur free in nature. Beryllium is widely distributed in the Earth's crust and is estimated to occur in the Earth's igneous rocks to the extent of 0.0002 percent. Its cosmic abundance is 20 on the scale in which silicon, the standard, is one million.There are about 30 recognized minerals containing beryllium. The minerals beryl (3BeO · Al2O3 · 6SiO2, a beryllium aluminum silicate) and bertrandite (a beryllium silicate) have been found in sufficient quantities to constitute commercial ores from which beryllium hydroxide or beryllium oxide is industrially extracted. The extraction of beryllium is complicated by the fact that beryllium oxide is found only as a minor constituent, tightly bound to alumina and silica. Treatment with acids, roasting with complex fluorides, and liquid–liquid extraction have all been employed to concentrate beryllium oxide. The oxide is converted to fluoride via ammonium beryllium fluoride and then heated with magnesium to form elemental beryllium. The element is purified by vacuum melting. (In the case of beryllium chloride, electrolysis is used for the extraction.) The precious forms of beryl, emerald and aquamarine, have a composition closely approaching that given above, but industrial ores contain less beryllium; most beryl is obtained as a by-product of other mining operations, the larger crystals being picked out by hand. Phenacite (2BeO ·SiO2), and chrysoberyl (BeO ·Al2O3) are also significant minerals containing beryllium.Beryllium is the only stable light metal with a relatively high melting point. These properties, coupled with its excellent electrical conductivity, high heat capacity and conductivity, good mechanical properties at elevated temperatures, oxidation resistance, and very high modulus of elasticity (one-third greater than that of steel), make it of interest for structural and thermal applications as well as for nuclear reactors. Because of its low atomic weight, beryllium transmits X-rays 17 times as well as aluminum and has been extensively used in making windows for X-ray tubes. Beryllium is fabricated into gyroscopes, accelerometers, and computer parts for inertial guidance instruments and other devices for missiles, aircraft, and space vehicles, and heavy-duty brake drums and similar applications in which a good heat sink is important. Its ability to slow down fast neutrons has found considerable application in nuclear reactors.Much beryllium is used as a low-percentage component of hard alloys (alloy), especially with copper as the main constituent but also with nickel- and iron-based alloys, for products such as springs. Beryllium–copper is made into tools for use when sparking might be dangerous, as in powder factories. Beryllium itself contributes nothing to the reduction of sparking but strengthens the copper, which does not form sparks upon impact. Small amounts of beryllium added to oxidizable alloys generate protecting surface films, reducing inflammability in magnesium and tarnishing in silver alloys.Neutrons were discovered (1932) by Sir James Chadwick as particles ejected from beryllium bombarded by alpha particles. Since then beryllium mixed with an alpha emitter such as radium has been used as a neutron source; for example, by Enrico Fermi to trigger in uranium the first controlled-fission chain reaction (1942). The alpha particles released by radioactive decay of radium atoms react with atoms of beryllium to give, among the products, neutrons with a wide range of energies—up to about 5 × 106 eV. If radium is encapsulated, however, so that none of the alpha particles reach beryllium, neutrons of energy less than 600,000 eV are produced by the more penetrating gamma radiation from the decay products of radium.The only naturally occurring isotope is the stable beryllium-9. Artificial isotopes have been produced, such as beryllium-10 (2,700,000-year half-life) and beryllium-8 (which spontaneously fissions into two alpha particles in less than 10-15 second).CompoundsBeryllium has an exclusive +2 oxidation state in all of its compounds. The compounds are generally colourless and have a distinctly sweet taste from whence came the element's former name glucinium. Soluble compounds in the form of solutions, dry dust, or fumes are toxic; they may produce dermatitis or, when inhaled, acute effects similar to those caused by the poison gas phosgene.The oxygen compound beryllium oxide (BeO) is a high-temperature refractory material characterized by an unusual combination of high electrical resistance and dielectric strength with high thermal conductivity. It has various applications, as in making ceramic ware used in high-temperature nuclear devices. The chlorine compound beryllium chloride (BeCl2) catalyzes the Friedel-Crafts reaction and is used in cell baths for electrowinning or electrorefining beryllium. Basic beryllium carbonate [BeCO3·xBe(OH)2], precipitated from ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2), is utilized as a starting material for synthesis of beryllium salts. Basic beryllium acetate [Be4O(C2H3O2)6] is used for the same purpose. Beryllium forms organic coordination compounds and bonds directly with carbon in several organometallic compounds (e.g., beryllium alkyls and aryls). Though resistant to air oxidation under normal conditions, it is readily attacked by acids and alkalies.atomic number4atomic weight9.0122melting point1,278° Cboiling point2,970° Cspecific gravity1.85 (20° C)oxidation state+2electronic config.1s22s2* * *
Universalium. 2010.