
/beuh sen"jee/, n.
one of an African breed of dogs having a chestnut coat with white points and a curled tail, characterized chiefly by their inability to bark.
[1930-35; said to be < Lingala basenji, pl. of mosenji native, inhabitant of the hinterland (or < a cognate Bantu word)]

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Ancient breed of hound native to central Africa, where it is used to point and retrieve and to drive quarry into a net.

Known as the barkless dog, it produces a variety of sounds other than barks. Its finely wrinkled forehead, erect ears, and tightly curled tail give it a characteristic alert expression. It has a short, silky reddish brown, black, or black-and-tan coat and white feet, chest, and tail tip. It stands 1617 in. (4143 cm) high and weighs 2224 lbs (1011 kg). It is clean and gentle.

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breed of dog
also called  Congo bush dog  or  Belgian Congo dog 
 ancient breed of hound dog native to central Africa, where it is used to point and retrieve and to drive quarry into a net. It is also known as the barkless dog, but it does produce a variety of sounds other than barks. A graceful animal, it is characterized by an alert expression typified by the finely wrinkled forehead, erect ears, and tightly curled tail. The short, silky coat is reddish brown, black, or black-and-tan; feet, chest, and tail tip are white. The basenji stands 16 to 17 inches (41 to 43 cm) tall and weighs 22 to 24 pounds (10 to 11 kg). It is the only breed with one yearly reproductive cycle (most breeds are capable of several per year).

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