
Child (chīld), Julia. Born 1912.
American cookery expert known for her books and her instructional television and video series.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Child, Julia — Child, Ju|li|a [ tʃaıld, dʒuliə ] a cook who has written many books and teaches cooking on television in the U.S. People will sometimes compare themselves to her in a joking way when they are trying to cook something complicated …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Child, Julia — orig. Julia McWilliams born Aug. 15, 1912 , Pasadena, Calif., U.S. died Aug. 13, 2004, Santa Barbara U.S. cooking expert and television personality. She lived in Paris after her marriage in 1945, studying at the Cordon Bleu and with a master chef …   Universalium

  • Child, Julia — orig. Julia McWilliams (n. 15 ago. 1912, Pasadena, Cal., EE.UU.). Experta culinaria y figura de la televisión estadounidense. Después de su matrimonio en 1945, vivió en París donde estudió en el Cordon Bleu y con un chef maestro. Tras mudarse a… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Child, Julia Carolyn McWilliams — ▪ 2005       American chef, television personality, and author (b. Aug. 15, 1912, Pasadena, Calif. d. Aug. 13, 2004, Montecito, Calif.), brought the art of French cookery to a vast number of Americans through her books and, especially, her… …   Universalium

  • Julia Child — 1988 portrait of Julia Child by Elsa Dorfman Born August 15, 1912(1912 08 15) Pasadena, California Died August 13, 2004(2004 08 13 …   Wikipedia

  • Julia Child — (1989) Julia Child (* …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Julia Child — Nacimiento …   Wikipedia Español

  • Julia — /joohl yeuh/, n. a female given name: derived from Julius. * * * I born 39 BC died AD 14, Rhegium Only child of Augustus. She wed Marcellus, who died in 23 BC, then Agrippa (21), Augustus s chief lieutenant. Their two eldest sons were adopted by… …   Universalium

  • Julia — ► sustantivo femenino 1 ZOOLOGÍA Pez marino lábrido, pequeño y alargado, de color azul con una banda ondulada naranja y con la aleta dorsal continua, con una mancha negra detrás de la aleta pectoral, que vive entre algas y rocas en aguas poco… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • child — childless, adj. childlessness, n. /chuyld/, n., pl. children. 1. a person between birth and full growth; a boy or girl: books for children. 2. a son or daughter: All my children are married. 3. a baby or infant. 4. a human fetus …   Universalium

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