
austerely, adv.austereness, n.
/aw stear"/, adj.
1. severe in manner or appearance; uncompromising; strict; forbidding: an austere teacher.
2. rigorously self-disciplined and severely moral; ascetic; abstinent: the austere quality of life in the convent.
3. grave; sober; solemn; serious: an austere manner.
4. without excess, luxury, or ease; simple; limited; severe: an austere life.
5. severely simple; without ornament: austere writing.
6. lacking softness; hard: an austere bed of straw.
7. rough to the taste; sour or harsh in flavor.
[1300-50; ME ( < AF) < L austerus < Gk austerós harsh, rough, bitter]
Syn. 4. AUSTERE, BLEAK, SPARTAN, STARK all suggest lack of ornament or adornment and of a feeling of comfort or warmth. AUSTERE usually implies a purposeful avoidance of luxury or ease: simple, stripped-down, austere surroundings. BLEAK adds a sense of forbidding coldness, hopelessness, depression: a bleak, dreary, windswept plain. SPARTAN, somewhat more forceful than austere, implies stern discipline and rigorous, even harsh, avoidance of all that is not strictly functional: a life of Spartan simplicity. STARK shares with BLEAK a sense of grimness and desolation: the stark cliff face.
Ant. 4. luxurious, comfortable, lush; sybaritic.

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  • austère — [ ostɛr ] adj. • 1120 « âpre »; lat. austerus, du gr. 1 ♦ Qui se montre sévère pour soi, ne s accorde aucun luxe ou plaisir. Un homme austère. ⇒ puritain, rigoriste, sévère, sobre, spartiate, stoïcien. Par ext. ⇒ dur, rigoureux. La vie austère d… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • austere — [ô stir′] adj. [ME < OFr < L austerus, harsh < Gr austēros, dry, harsh < auein, to dry < auos, dry < IE base * saus, dry > SEAR1] 1. having a severe or stern look, manner, etc.; forbidding 2. showing strict self discipline… …   English World dictionary

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