
annexable, adj.
v. /euh neks", an"eks/; n. /an"eks, -iks/, v.t.
1. to attach, append, or add, esp. to something larger or more important.
2. to incorporate (territory) into the domain of a city, country, or state: Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakia.
3. to take or appropriate, esp. without permission.
4. to attach as an attribute, condition, or consequence.
n. Also, esp. Brit., annexe.
5. something annexed.
6. a subsidiary building or an addition to a building: The emergency room is in the annex of the main building.
7. something added to a document; appendix; supplement: an annex to a treaty.
[1350-1400; (v.) ME < AF, OF annexer < ML annexare, deriv. of L annexus tied to, ptp. of annectere (see ANNECTENT); (n.) < F annexe or n. use of v.]

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