- analgesia
/an'l jee"zee euh, -see euh/, n. Med.absence of sense of pain.[1700-10; < NL < Gk analgesía painlessness, equiv. to análget(os) without pain (an- AN-1 + álg(os) pain + -etos adj. suffix) + -ia -IA]
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loss of sensation of pain that results from an interruption in the nervous system pathway between sense organ and brain. Different forms of sensation (e.g., touch, temperature, and pain) stimulating an area of skin travel to the spinal cord by different nerve fibres in the same nerve bundle. Therefore, any injury or disease affecting the nerve would abolish all forms of sensation in the area supplied by it. When sensory nerves reach the spinal cord, however, their fibres separate and follow different courses to the brain. Thus, it is possible for certain forms of sensation to be lost, while others are preserved, in diseases that affect only certain areas of the spinal cord. Because pain and temperature sensations often travel the same path, both may be lost together. Diseases of the spinal cord that may cause analgesia without loss of the sensation of touch are tabes dorsalis, syringomyelia, and tumours (tumour) of the cord. The term is also used for pain relief induced by the action of such medications as aspirin, codeine, and morphine.* * *
Universalium. 2010.