
aider, n.aidful, adj.aidless, adj.
/ayd/, v.t.
1. to provide support for or relief to; help: to aid the homeless victims of the fire.
2. to promote the progress or accomplishment of; facilitate.
3. to give help or assistance.
4. help or support; assistance.
5. a person or thing that aids or furnishes assistance; helper; auxiliary.
6. aids, Manège.
a. Also called natural aids. the means by which a rider communicates with and controls a horse, as the hands, legs, voice, and shifts in weight.
b. Also called artificial aids. the devices by means of which a rider increases control of a horse, as spurs, whip, and martingale.
7. aide-de-camp.
8. See foreign aid.
9. a payment made by feudal vassals to their lord on special occasions.
10. Eng. Hist. (after 1066) any of several revenues received by a king in the Middle Ages from his vassals and other subjects, limited by the Magna Charta to specified occasions.
[1375-1425; (n.) late ME ayde < AF, OF aide, n. deriv. of aid(i)er < L adjutare to help (freq. of adjuvare), equiv. to ad- AD- + -ju- help + -t- freq. suffix + -are inf. suffix; (v.) < AF, OF aid(i)er < L, as above]
Syn. 1. See help. 2. abet, back, foster, advance. 4. succor; relief; subsidy, grant.
Ant. 2. hinder, frustrate.
Usage. Although the nouns AID and AIDE both have among their meanings "an assisting person," the spelling AIDE is increasingly used for the sense "helper, assistant": One of the senator's aides is calling. AIDE in military use is short for aide-de-camp. It is also the spelling in nurse's aide.

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medieval tax
      a tax levied in medieval Europe, paid by persons or communities to someone in authority. Aids could be demanded by the crown from its subjects, by a feudal lord from his vassals, or by the lord of a manor from the inhabitants of his domain.

      A feudal lord could ask his vassals for an aid because they owed him help and counsel. In the course of time, however, the occasions on which a lord could ask for a subsidy came to be limited (1) to the knighting of his eldest son, (2) to the first marriage of his eldest daughter, (3) to the payment of his ransom, and sometimes (4) to his going on a crusade. These feudal aids were distinguished from the feudal relief, which was a tax due the lord by a new vassal upon entering into possession of a fief. They were also different, at least in origin, from scutage, which was a payment in lieu of military service by a feudal tenant.

      The aids that the lord of the manor could demand from the inhabitants of his domain, peasants as well as vassals, were called taille (q.v.) and developed into the royal taille, or tallage, a direct tax levied by sovereigns.

      All over Europe princes had to resort to forms of direct taxation because the other revenues of the crown were insufficient, especially in emergencies. In Carolingian times (8th and 9th centuries), “giftswere regularly offered to the king. In the later Middle Ages the crown negotiated with various sections of the population for aids. Thus in time of war, towns or communes would be asked for certain lump sums by the crown. It was up to them to collect the money from their citizens. Attempts to limit the amount that could be asked were occasionally made by communes but were never really successful against the overriding financial needs of the crown. Eventually these negotiations were carried on with representatives of the whole country meeting inestates,” where the amounts that could be obtained by the crown often depended on the relative strengths of the bargainers.

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