
/ag"euh meuh/, n.
any of numerous agamid lizards of the genus Agama, many of which are brilliantly colored and have the ability to change the color of the skin.
[1810-20; < NL < Carib]

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Hindu literature
Sanskrittraditionorreceived knowledge

      post-Vedic scripture conveying ritual knowledge and considered to have been revealed by a personal divinity. Shaivite (Shaivism) scriptures, dating probably to the 8th century, are particularly so designated, in contrast to the Vaishnava Samhitas and the Shakta Tantras. (Compare Shaivism, Vaishnavism, and Shaktism.) The Agamas are often in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and his wife Parvati.

      For convenience, scholars discuss the texts according to the four Shaivite branches that follow the Agamic tradition. These are the Sanskrit school of Shaiva-siddhanta, the Tamil Shaivas, the Kashmir Shaivas (Kashmir Śaivism), and the Lingayat (Liṅgāyat)s, who are also known as the Virashaivas. The Agamas provide a considerable amount of information on the earliest codes of temple building, image making, and religious procedure.

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  • Agama — is a term for scriptures in Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism: * Āgama (Buddhism) * Āgama (Jainism) * Āgama (Hinduism)The corresponding adjective is Agamic.Agama can also refer to:* Survivor (U.S. TV series) * Agama, common name for lizards in the… …   Wikipedia

  • agama — agàma ž <G mn agámā> DEFINICIJA zool. gušter iz porodice Agamidae s oko 200 vrsta ETIMOLOGIJA nlat. Agama ← karip …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Agama — род ящериц подсемейства Agaminae Sphaeropthalma, syn Agama род ос немок из подсемейства Sphaeropthalminae …   Википедия

  • agàma — ž 〈G mn agámā〉 zool. gušter iz porodice Agamidae s oko 200 vrsta …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • agama — [ə gā′mə] n. [ModL < Sp; ? of WInd orig.: cf. Carib mami, lizard] any of a family (Agamidae, esp. genus Agama) of Old World lizards, some of which can change color …   English World dictionary

  • Agama — Ag a*ma ([a^]g [.a]*m[.a]), n.; pl. {Agamas} ([a^]g [.a]*m[.a]z). [From the Caribbean name of a species of lizard.] (Zo[ o]l.) A genus of lizards, one of the few which feed upon vegetable substances; also, one of these lizards. [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • AGAMA — Le terme sanskrit gama signifie «tradition» et est utilisé pour désigner, dans diverses écoles religieuses indiennes, une catégorie précise de textes faisant autorité pour l’école en question. Au sens étroit, ce sont des traités techniques de la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Agama —   [Sanskrit »Quelle der Lehre«] der, / s, Sammelbezeichnung für religiöses Schrifttum Indiens, auch für die einzelnen Texte verwendet; 1) kanonisches Schrifttum nichtvedischer Lehren (Veda), v. a. des Shivaismus, der 28 Agamas besitzt, die als… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Agama —   Agama …   Wikipedia Español

  • agama —    In the tantric tradition (see TANTRISM) agama most commonly means “authoritative scripture.” Dif ferent systems of tantric tradition may designate different texts as agamas. In South India, for instance, there is a tradition called Agamanta… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Agama — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Agama est un genre de reptile ; Les Agamas sont des textes sacrés de l hindouisme, du bouddhisme ou du jaïnisme. Catégorie : Homonymie …   Wikipédia en Français

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