
/ak"euh maw'-, -meuh, ah"keuh/, n.
a Pueblo Indian village near Albuquerque, New Mexico, built on a sandstone mesa: oldest continuously inhabited location in the U.S.

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Indian pueblo, west-central New Mexico, U.S. It is located on a reservation west of Albuquerque and is known as the "Sky City.

" Its people live in terraced dwellings made of stone and adobe atop a sandstone butte 357 ft (109 m) high. Settled in the 10th century, it is believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited place in the U.S. In 1540 Spanish explorer Francisco Vazquez de Coronado described it as the strongest defensive position in the world.

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 Indian pueblo, Valencia county, west-central New Mexico, U.S. The pueblo lies 55 miles (89 km) west-southwest of Albuquerque and is known as the “Sky City.” Its inhabitants live in terraced dwellings made of stone and adobe atop a precipitous sandstone butte 357 feet (109 metres) high. They have always engaged in farming (on the plains below) and pottery making. Believed to be the oldest continuously inhabited place in the area of the United States (since the 10th century), it was described by the conquistador Francisco Vázquez de Coronado (Coronado, Francisco Vázquez de) in 1540 as the strongest defensive position in the world. The massive mission church of San Esteban Rey was built there in 1629–41; its 30-foot (9-metre) log beams were carried from the Cebollita Mountains (30 miles [50 km] southwest) and, with the dirt for its graveyard, were hauled up from below. Visitors and inhabitants can now gain access by means of a staircase cut into the rock, and a road that bears vehicular traffic has also been built. The pueblo's name comes from the Keresan Indian language: ako, meaning “white rock,” and ma, “people.” About 3 miles (5 km) northeast is the Enchanted Mesa, another butte rising 430 feet (130 metres) above the surrounding plain, which is believed by the Acoma Indians to be the dwelling place of their gods. Pop. (2000) pueblo and adjacent areas, 2,802.

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