
cantillation [kant΄'l āshən]
< cantillate, chant (< L cantillatus, pp. of cantillare, hum, sing low < cantare: see CHANT) & -ION
in Jewish liturgy, a chanting or reciting with certain prescribed musical phrases indicated by notations
cantillate [kant΄'lāt΄]
vt., vi.
cantillated, cantillating

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      in music, intoned liturgical (liturgical music) recitation of scriptural texts, guided by signs originally devised as textual accents, punctuations, and indications of emphasis. Such signs, termed ecphonetic signs, appear in manuscripts of the 7th9th century, both Jewish and Christian (Syrian, Byzantine, Armenian, Coptic). Although first intended to clarify the reading of the texts, they were apparently adopted as mnemonic devices to help the singer recall various melodic formulas. Their musical interpretation is thus dependent on a knowledge of the oral tradition through which the melodic formulas are transmitted. Today cantillation refers almost exclusively to the Jewish service.

      The cantillation of biblical texts was apparently part of Hebrew temple ritual and was later adopted in the synagogue. The present system of signs, or eʿamim, was developed among the Tiberian Masoretes (keepers of a cumulative body of biblical text tradition) and has strong similarities with the ecphonetic notation of early Byzantine chant. It was preceded by two less satisfactory systems, the Babylonian (6th7th century) and the Proto-Palestinian (5th6th century); the musical motifs represented by the signs of these systems, however, are much older.

      Both in the melodic modes used and in the melodic formulas attached to the individual signs, the interpretation of the eʿamim varies considerably among the three main traditions of Jewish liturgical music, Oriental, Sephardic, and Ashkenazic; however, a few similarities at important points indicate a common origin.

      Within any single tradition, the rendition of the melodic formula associated with a given sign varies with the book of the Bible. Each book has its own melodic mode, which prescribes certain notes and intervals around which melodies gravitate; a melodic motif sung in two different modes retains its basic contour but varies in the specific narrow or wide intervals used and in other details.

      Cantillation is also used in Islāmic religious services in the recitation of the Qurʾān and in the muezzin's call to prayer, or adhān. Neither it nor the cantillation of the Qurʾān are considered to be music, however, and music as such is forbidden in religious services.

      Originally simply intoned, the call to prayer today is often highly florid; melodically it varies from region to region. The cantillation of the Qurʾān is an outgrowth of the nature of the text, which is in groups of rhythmical prose lines that are rhymed. The punctuation of the reading follows fixed rules, but there are no prescribed melodic formulas, and the recitations thus also vary with locale. Apparently they were at first slow and chantlike, but by the 9th century they had incorporated elements of popular melody.

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  • Cantillation — is the ritual chanting of readings from the Bible in synagogue services.The chants are rendered in accordance with the special signs or marks printed in the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible (or Tanakh) to complement the letters and vowel points …   Wikipedia

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  • cantillation — [kant΄ l ā′shən] n. [< cantillate, chant (< L cantillatus, pp. of cantillare, hum, sing low < cantare: see CHANT) & ION] in Jewish liturgy, a chanting or reciting with certain prescribed musical phrases indicated by notations cantillate… …   English World dictionary

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