Voluntary Service Overseas
- Voluntary Service Overseas
(abbr VSO)
a British charity, established in 1958, which sends doctors, teachers, engineers and other skilled people to live and work in other countries. They usually stay and help local people for two years, and are paid only a small amount.
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Voluntary Service Overseas — (VSO) is an international development charity that works through experienced volunteers living and working as equals alongside local partners. It is the largest independent (non governmental) volunteer sending organization in the world. VSO has… … Wikipedia
Voluntary Service Overseas — noun 1. A British organization that promotes voluntary work, mainly by young people, in developing countries 2. The work itself (abbrev VSO) • • • Main Entry: ↑voluntary * * * ˌVoluntary ˌService Overˈseas 7 [Voluntary Service Overseas] … Useful english dictionary
Voluntary Service Overseas — Voluntary Ser|vice O|ver|seas the full name of ↑VSO … Dictionary of contemporary English
voluntary work — is work that you do not get paid for and usually involves doing things to help other people, especially the elderly or the sick, or working on behalf of a charity or similar organization. Most charitable organizations rely on unpaid volunteers,… … Universalium
voluntary — adj. & n. adj. 1 done, acting, or able to act of one s own free will; not constrained or compulsory, intentional (a voluntary gift). 2 unpaid (voluntary work). 3 (of an institution) supported by voluntary contributions. 4 Brit. (of a school)… … Useful english dictionary
Voluntary student unionism — (VSU) is a policy, notable in Australia, under which membership of – and payment of membership fees to – university student organisations is voluntary. Voluntary student unionism has been implemented in Australia and at the University of Auckland … Wikipedia
Volunteer Service Abroad — is a non governmental organization in New Zealand, equivalent to Voluntary Service Overseas. It provides volunteers from New Zealand for service in developing countries. It is largely sponsored by NZAID (New Zealand s International Aid and… … Wikipedia
Community Service Volunteers — (CSV) is the UK s largest volunteering and training charity. CSV was founded in 1962 by Mora and Alec Dickson, who also founded Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO). In the 2004/2005 financial year, CSV had six operating companies with a total… … Wikipedia
Voluntary Aid Detachment — noun 1. in World War I, an Australian voluntary organisation, mainly of women, founded in 1915 and based on the British organisation of the same name; worked in conjunction with the Red Cross in providing aid to returned wounded soldiers. 2. in… …
Military service — For military service in the meaning of an army as a military defense organization, see Armed forces. For state mandated military service, see Conscription. For the feudal institution, see Knight service. Military service, in its simplest sense,… … Wikipedia