voluntary school — noun : a usually denominational English school maintained by a voluntary body and administered by a board of directors see aided school, controlled school * * * voluntary school noun A school supported by voluntary subscriptions, in many cases… … Useful english dictionary
voluntary school — noun (in the UK) a school which, though not established by the local education authority, is funded mainly or entirely by it, and which typically encourages particular religious beliefs … English new terms dictionary
School — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:School >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 school school academy university alma mater college seminary Lyceum Sgm: N 1 institute institute institution Sgm: N 1 palaestra palaestra … English dictionary for students
voluntary-aided — adjective (in the UK) denoting a voluntary school funded mainly by the local authority … English new terms dictionary
voluntary-controlled — adjective (in the UK) denoting a voluntary school fully funded by the local authority … English new terms dictionary
School Fees in New Zealand — School Fees is a term that the general public of New Zealand most commonly used to describe a request from schools to parents or guardians for a donation (usually annual) to their child s school.Although this payment is entirely voluntary, some… … Wikipedia
voluntary-aided school — noun A state school partly funded by a local education authority and supported by a religious organization, which has a role in governing it • • • Main Entry: ↑voluntary … Useful english dictionary
voluntary-controlled school — noun A state school funded and governed entirely by a local education authority • • • Main Entry: ↑voluntary … Useful english dictionary
Voluntary taxation — is a theory that states that taxation, naturally a coercive act, should be a voluntary act instead. The idea states that instead of people being forced to pay taxes by their government they should have the option to pay taxes. In this theory… … Wikipedia
Voluntary Service Aberdeen — is a social care charity registered in Scotland [cite web url = http://www.oscr.org.uk/CharityIndexDetails.aspx?id=SC012950 title = Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) accessdate = 2007 09 08 date = 2007 language = English] . In 2006… … Wikipedia