
To flow.
1. Suffixed o-grade form *srou-mo-.
a. stream, from Old English strēam, stream;
b. maelstrom, from Middle Dutch stroom, stream. Both a and b from Germanic *straumaz, stream.
2. Basic form *sreu-.
a. rheo-, -rrhea; catarrh, diarrhea, hemorrhoid, rhyolite, from Greek rhein, to flow, with o-grade rhoos, flowing, a flowing;
b. suffixed form *sreu-mn̥. rheum, from Greek rheuma, stream, humor of the body.
3. Suffixed zero-grade form *sru-dhmo-. rhythm, from Greek rhuthmos, measure, recurring motion, rhythm.
4. Suffixed zero-grade form *sru-to-. rhyton, from Greek rhutos, fluid, liquid.
5. Perhaps zero-grade extended form *srug-. sastruga, from Russian struga, deep place.
[Pokorny sreu- 1003.]

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Universalium. 2010.

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