
Ten. Oldest form *dek̑m̥, becoming *dekm̥ in centum languages.
Derivatives include ten, December, decimate, dean, hundred, century, and hecatomb.
I. Basic form *dekm̥.
a. ten, from Old English tīen, ten;
b. Old Norse tjan, ten, in compound āttjān (see oktō(u)). Both a and b from Germanic *tehun.
2. eighteen, fifteen, fourteen, nineteen, seventeen, sixteen, thirteen, from Old English suffix -tēne, -tīne, -tȳne, ten, -teen, from Germanic *tehan.
4. denarius, denary, denier2, dinar, from irregular Latin distributive dēnī, by tens, ten each (formed by analogy with nōnī, nine each).
II. Germanic *tigu-, ten, decad (of uncertain formation, as though < *deku-), in compound *twēgentig (see dwo-).
III. Ordinal number *dekm̥to-. tenth, tithe, from Old English teogotha, tēotha, tenth, from Germanic *teguntha-.
IV. Suffixed zero-grade form *-dkm̥-tā̆, reduced to *-km̥tā̆, and lengthened o-grade form *-dkōm-tā̆, reduced to *-kontā̆.
1. nonagenarian, octogenarian, Septuagint, sexagenary, from Latin -gintā, ten times.
2. Pentecost, from Greek *-konta, ten times.
V. Suffixed zero-grade form *dkm̥-tom, hundred, reduced to *km̥tom.
1. hundred, from Old English hundred, from dialectal North and West Germanic *hund(a)-rada- (-rada-, from Germanic *radam, number; see ar-), from Germanic *hundam, hundred.
2. Germanic compound *thūs-hundi, “swollen hundred,” thousand (see teuə-).
4. hecatomb, hecto-, from Greek hekaton, a hundred (? dissimilated from *hem-katon, one hundred; *hem-, one; see sem-1).
5. stotinka, from Old Church Slavonic sŭto, hundred.
6. satem, from Avestan satəm, hundred.
[Pokorny dek̑m̥ 191.] See also compound root wīkm̥tī-.

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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