Line Islands

Line Islands
group of coral atolls of Kiribati in the central Pacific, south of Hawaii, formerly divided between the U.S. and Great Britain

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Chain of islands, central Pacific Ocean, south of the Hawaiian Islands.

The Line Islands extend 1,600 mi (2,600 km) and have a land area of 193 sq mi (500 sq km). Of the northern group, Teraina (Washington) Island and the Tabuaeran (Fanning) and Kiritimati (Christmas) atolls belong to the Republic of Kiribati, while Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, and Jarvis Island are U.S. territories. Kiribati also holds the central group (Malden and Starbuck islands) and the southern group (Vostok and Flint islands and Caroline Atoll).

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islands, Pacific Ocean
      chain of coral islands in the central Pacific Ocean, some of which belong to Kiribati and some of which are claimed as unincorporated territories belonging to the United States.

      The Line Islands extend 1,600 miles (2,600 km) northwestward from French Polynesia. They have a land area of 193 square miles (500 square km) and are divided into Northern, Central, and Southern groups. All the islands are coral formations, but only six have lagoons, which makes them atolls. The Northern Line Islands politically comprise Teraina Island and Tabuaeran and Kiritimati atolls, all parts of Kiribati from its independence (1979), and Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, and Jarvis Island, all unincorporated territories of the United States. Also part of Kiribati are the Central and Southern Line Islands; the Central group consists of Malden and Starbuck islands, and Vostok and Flint islands make up the Southern group. There is no permanent habitation except on Kiritimati and Tabuaeran atolls and on Teraina Island.

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