line dance

line dance
a kind of partnerless dance in which the dancers stand side by side in a line or lines and perform, in unison, a series of set, often complex, steps to various kinds of popular music

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  • Line Dance — ist eine Tanzform, bei der einzelne Tänzer unabhängig von der Geschlechtszugehörigkeit in Reihen und Linien vor und nebeneinander tanzen. Die Tänze sind passend zu Musik choreografiert, die meist aus den Kategorien Country und Pop stammt.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • line dance — n. a kind of partnerless dance in which the dancers stand side by side in a line or lines and perform, in unison, a series of set, often complex, steps to various kinds of popular music …   English World dictionary

  • line-dance — line dancing ► NOUN ▪ a type of country and western dancing in which a line of dancers follow a choreographed pattern of steps. DERIVATIVES line dance verb line dancer noun …   English terms dictionary

  • Line dance — A line dance is choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines (British English, rows ) without regard for the gender of the individuals, all facing the same direction, and executing… …   Wikipedia

  • line dance — noun Date: 1948 1. contredanse 1 2. a dance performed by a group usually in single file 3. a dance in which the dancers stand in ranks while performing a particular set of steps in unison • line dancer noun • line dancing noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • line dance — noun 1. : contredanse 1 2. : a dance performed by a group usually in single file 3. : a dance in which the dancers stand in ranks while performing a particular set of steps in unison • line dancer noun • line dancing noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • line dance — noun A dance in where a group of people perform the same dance while in a line …   Wiktionary

  • Armenian line dance — The Armenian Line dance is an Armenian folk dance, danced at parties and other special occasions. It is performed by a group of people who join hands and do a specific step while walking counter clockwise. Please note that this is just one… …   Wikipedia

  • Dance Marathon — is a charity event originating from Penn State University. Many schools host dance marathons across the country raising more than $125 million per year benefiting local children s hospitals and other charities. On almost every campus where it is… …   Wikipedia

  • line dancer — line dancing ► NOUN ▪ a type of country and western dancing in which a line of dancers follow a choreographed pattern of steps. DERIVATIVES line dance verb line dancer noun …   English terms dictionary

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