- intonation pattern
n.Linguis. the sequence or arrangement of pitch levels occurring in an utterance
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Universalium. 2010.
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Universalium. 2010.
intonation pattern — n. Linguis. the sequence or arrangement of pitch levels occurring in an utterance … English World dictionary
intonation pattern — noun intonations characteristic of questions and requests and statements • Hypernyms: ↑intonation, ↑modulation, ↑pitch contour * * * noun : a unit of speech melody in a language or dialect that contributes to the total meaning of an utterance one … Useful english dictionary
intonation contour — intonation pattern or intonation contour, Linguistics. a distinctive speech pattern formed by differences in pitch, as for example the rising intonation pattern in questions (Is he going?) and the falling intonation pattern in declarative… … Useful english dictionary
intonation — n 1. pitch pattern, intonation pattern or contour; speech pattern, manner of speaking, mode of expression; pitch, tone, frequency; timbre, tonality, tone quality, coloring; tune, melody, lilt, swing, jingle, flow, harmonious flow, rhythmic flow;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
intonation — Synonyms and related words: AF, accent, accentuation, adaptation, arrangement, articulation, audio frequency, bel canto, bravura, cantando, choral singing, coloratura, croon, crooning, delivery, demilegato, emphasis, execution, expression,… … Moby Thesaurus
Intonation (music) — Intonation, in music, is a musician s realization of pitch accuracy, or the pitch accuracy of a musical instrument.tringsWith fretless string instruments such as violins, intonation depends on the musician pressing with their fingers at the exact … Wikipedia
intonation — intonational, adj. /in toh nay sheuhn, teuh /, n. 1. the pattern or melody of pitch changes in connected speech, esp. the pitch pattern of a sentence, which distinguishes kinds of sentences or speakers of different language cultures. 2. the act… … Universalium
pattern — I n. 1) to establish, set a pattern 2) an intricate; overall; underlying pattern 3) a holding; traffic pattern (our plane was in a holding pattern) 4) (ling.) an intonation; speech pattern 5) a behavior; personality pattern II v. (d; tr.) to… … Combinatory dictionary
Intonation (linguistics) — In linguistics, intonation is variation of pitch whilst speaking which is not used to distinguish words. (Compare tone.) Intonation and stress are two main elements of linguistic prosody.All languages use pitch semantically, that is, as… … Wikipedia
intonation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ falling, flat, rising ▪ the rising intonation at the end of spoken questions INTONATION + NOUN ▪ pattern … Collocations dictionary