
inapprehensible [in ap΄rē hen′sə bəl]
that cannot be apprehended, or understood

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  • Inapprehensible — In*ap pre*hen si*ble, a. [L. inapprehensibilis: cf. F. inappr[ e]hensible.] Not apprehensible; unintelligible; inconceivable. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • inapprehensible — I adjective abstruse, acroamatic, acroamatical, acroatic, ambiguous, beyond comprehension, beyond understanding, enigmatic, enigmatical, hidden, impenetrable, impossible to understand, incognizable, incomprehensible, indistinct, inexplicable,… …   Law dictionary

  • inapprehensible — [in ap΄rē hen′sə bəl] adj. that cannot be apprehended, or understood …   English World dictionary

  • inapprehensible — /in ap ri henˈsi bl/ adjective 1. Not apprehensible 2. That cannot be grasped by the intellect or senses ORIGIN: ↑in (2) • • • inapprehenˈsion noun inapprehenˈsive adjective 1. Not apprehensive 2. Untroubled …   Useful english dictionary

  • inapprehensible — adjective /ɪnæpɹɪˈhɛnsɪbl/ That cannot be apprehended; not apprehensible to or graspable by either body or mind …   Wiktionary

  • inapprehensible — adj. cannot be apprehended, imperceivable …   English contemporary dictionary

  • inapprehensible — /ˌɪnæprəˈhɛnsəbəl/ (say .inapruh hensuhbuhl) adjective not to be grasped by the senses or intellect. {in 3 + apprehensible} …  

  • Max Stirner — Johann Kaspar Schmidt Max Stirner, as portrayed by Friedrich Engels Full name Johann Kaspar Schmidt Born October 25, 1806 Bayreuth, Bavaria Died June 26, 1856(1856 06 26) (age …   Wikipedia

  • impenetrable — I adjective adamantine, closed, complex, crass, difficult, dull, enigmatic, hidden, impassable, impermeable, imperviable, impervious, inaccessible, inapprehensible, incomprehensible, indefinable, inexplicable, inexpressive, inexpugnable,… …   Law dictionary

  • incomprehensible — I adjective abstruse, acroamatic, acroamatical, acroatic, ambiguous, beyond comprehension, concealed, dark, deep, difficult to comprehend, dim, enigmatic, enigmatical, esoteric, fathomless, hard to understand, hidden, impenetrable, impossible to… …   Law dictionary

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