angostura (bark)

angostura (bark)
angostura (bark) or angostura [an nōs΄aŋ΄gəs toorə, an΄gəstyoorə; an΄gəs to͞orə, an΄gəs tyoorə]
after Angostura (former name of CIUDAD BOLÍVAR), lit. (in Sp), narrow pass: so named because located on the narrows of the Orinoco River
the bitter aromatic bark of either of two South American trees (Galipea officinalis or Cusparia trifoliata) of the rue family, used as a medicinal tonic and as a flavoring in bitters

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Angostura bark — Angostura An gos*tu ra, Angostura bark An gos*tu ra bark ([aum][ng] g[o^]s*t[=oo] r[.a] b[aum]rk ). [From Angostura, in Venezuela.] A bitter aromatic bark, obtained from a South American tree of the rue family ({Galipea cusparia}, or {Galipea… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • angostura (bark) — or angostura [an′jə nōs΄aŋ΄gəs toor′ə, an΄gəstyoor′ə; an΄gəs to͞or′ə, an΄gəs tyoor′ə] n. [after Angostura (former name of CIUDAD BOLÍVAR), lit. (in Sp), narrow pass: so named because located on the narrows of the Orinoco River] the bitter… …   English World dictionary

  • angostura (bark) — or angostura [an′jə nōs΄aŋ΄gəs toor′ə, an΄gəstyoor′ə; an΄gəs to͞or′ə, an΄gəs tyoor′ə] n. [after Angostura (former name of CIUDAD BOLÍVAR), lit. (in Sp), narrow pass: so named because located on the narrows of the Orinoco River] the bitter… …   English World dictionary

  • angostura bark — noun the bitter bark of a South American tree; used in medicines and liqueurs and bitters • Syn: ↑angostura • Hypernyms: ↑bark * * * |aŋgə|st(y)u̇rə , |aiŋ , ürə noun also angostura ( …   Useful english dictionary

  • angostura bark — an′gos•tu′ra bark′ [[t]ˈæŋ gəˈstʊər ə, ˈstyʊər ə, ˌæŋ [/t]] n. pln the bitter, aromatic bark of either of two South American citrus trees, Galipea officinalis or G. cusparia, used in medicine and in the preparation of liqueurs and bitters. Also… …   From formal English to slang

  • angostura bark — /ang geuh stoor euh, styoor euh, ang / the bitter, aromatic bark of either of two South American citrus trees, Galipea officinalis or G. cusparia, used in medicine and in the preparation of liqueurs and bitters. Also called angostura. [1785 95;… …   Universalium

  • angostura bark — /ˌæŋgəstʃurə ˈbak/ (say .angguhschoohruh bahk) noun the bitter aromatic bark of a South American tree, Galipea officinalis, supposedly valuable as a tonic. Also, angostura. {from Angostura, former name of Ciudad Bolívar, a town in eastern… …  

  • angostura bark — an·gos·tu·ra bark .aŋ gə st(y)u̇r ə n the aromatic bitter bark of either of two So. American trees (Galipea officinalis and Cusparia trifoliata) of the rue family used esp. formerly as a tonic and antipyretic called also angostura …   Medical dictionary

  • Angostura — may refer to;Things* Angostura (genus), a plant genus in the Rutaceae family *Angostura bitters *House of Angostura, a company manufacturing angostura bitters. *Angostura bark, a spice made from the bark of the tree Cusparia febrifuga . The… …   Wikipedia

  • Angostura — An gos*tu ra, Angostura bark An gos*tu ra bark ([aum][ng] g[o^]s*t[=oo] r[.a] b[aum]rk ). [From Angostura, in Venezuela.] A bitter aromatic bark, obtained from a South American tree of the rue family ({Galipea cusparia}, or {Galipea officinalis}) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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