acrylic painting

acrylic painting
a painting done with pigments in a solution of an acrylic resin: it dries quickly with a brilliance and depth comparable to those of both watercolor and oil paints

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Painting executed in the medium of acrylic resins
synthetic resins that dry rapidly, are water-soluble, and serve as a vehicle for any pigment.

Its effects may range from the transparent brilliance of watercolour to the density of oil paint. Acrylics are less affected by heat and deterioration than oils. They were first used by artists in the 1940s but became popular with Pop artists when they were produced commercially in the 1960s.

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 painting executed in the medium of synthetic acrylic resins. Acrylics dry rapidly, serve as a vehicle for any kind of pigment, and are capable of giving both the transparent brilliance of watercolour and the density of oil paint (oil painting). They are considered to be less affected by heat and other destructive forces than is oil paint. They found favour among artists who were concerned about the health risks posed by the handling of oil paints and the inhalation of fumes associated with them. Because of all these desirable characteristics, acrylic paints became immediately popular with artists when they were first commercially promoted in the 1960s.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • acrylic painting — a painting done with pigments in a solution of an acrylic resin: it dries quickly with a brilliance and depth comparable to those of both watercolor and oil paints …   English World dictionary

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  • Acrylic — A*cryl ic, a. 1. (Chem.) Of or containing acryl, the hypothetical radical of which acrolein is the hydride; as, acrylic acid. The characteristic residue in an acrylic compound is the carbonyl group attached directly to an ethylenic carbon. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • acrylic — I. adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary acrolein + yl + 1 ic Date: 1855 1. of or relating to acrylic acid or its derivatives < acrylic polymers > 2. made or consisting of an acrylic < an acrylic window > II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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