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sweepingly — sweeping ► ADJECTIVE 1) extending or performed in a long, continuous curve. 2) wide in range or effect. 3) (of a statement) too general. ► NOUN (sweepings) ▪ dirt or refuse collected by sweeping. DERIVATIVES sweepingly adve … English terms dictionary
sweepingly — adverb in a sweeping manner he sweepingly condemned the entire population of the country for the war crimes • Derived from adjective: ↑sweeping … Useful english dictionary
Sweepingly — Sweeping Sweep ing, a. Cleaning off surfaces, or cleaning away dust, dirt, or litter, as a broom does; moving with swiftness and force; carrying everything before it; including in its scope many persons or things; as, a sweeping flood; a sweeping … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sweepingly — adverb see sweeping II … New Collegiate Dictionary
sweepingly — adverb In an encompassing manner … Wiktionary
sweepingly — adv. in a sweeping manner, extensively … English contemporary dictionary
sweepingly — sweep·ing·ly … English syllables
sweeping — sweepingly, adv. /swee ping/, adj. 1. of wide range or scope. 2. moving or passing about over a wide area: a sweeping glance. 3. moving, driving, or passing steadily and forcibly on. 4. (of the outcome of a contest) decisive; overwhelming;… … Universalium
wholesale — [hōl′sāl΄] n. [ME holesale (< phr. by hole sale, by wholesale): see WHOLE & SALE] the selling of goods in relatively large quantities and usually at lower prices than at retail, esp. such selling to retailers for resale to consumers adj. 1. of … English World dictionary
sweeping — I. noun Date: 14th century 1. the act or action of one that sweeps < gave the room a good sweeping > 2. plural things collected by sweeping ; refuse II. adjective Date: 1573 1 … New Collegiate Dictionary