
Sachs (zäks, săks), Hans. 1494-1576.
German writer and Meistersinger noted for his many dramas, poems, and songs. His life inspired Wagner's opera Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (1868).

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  • Sachs, Hans — ▪ German poet and composer born Nov. 5, 1494, Nürnberg, Ger. died Jan. 19, 1576, Nürnberg       German burgher, meistersinger, and poet who was outstanding for his popularity, output, and aesthetic and religious influence. He is idealized in… …   Universalium

  • Sachs, Hans — (1494 1576)    Nuremberg shoemaker, poet, and play wright, who devoted much of his literary output to making propa ganda for the Lutheran Reformation. Born the son of a tailor, he at tended Latin school for eight years and at age 15 was… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

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  • SACHS, HANS —    a noted early German poet, born at Nürnberg; the son of a tailor, by trade a shoemaker; learned the mystery of song from a weaver; was a contemporary of Luther, who acknowledged his services in the cause of the Reformation; in his seventy… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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