
See reposefully.

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  • reposefulness — noun see reposeful …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • reposefulness — rɪ pəʊzfÊŠlnɪs n. state of being reposeful; restfulness, peacefulness, serenity, calmness …   English contemporary dictionary

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  • reposefulness — fəlnə̇s noun ( es) : the quality or state of being reposeful : restfulness …   Useful english dictionary

  • reposeful — adjective Date: 1852 of a kind to induce ease and relaxation • reposefully adverb • reposefulness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • reposeful — reposefully, adv. reposefulness, n. /ri pohz feuhl/, adj. full of or suggesting repose; calm; quiet. [1620 30; REPOSE1 + FUL] Syn. restful, tranquil, peaceful, undisturbed. * * * …   Universalium

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