Picasso, Pablo — ▪ Spanish artist Introduction in full Pablo Ruiz y Picasso born October 25, 1881, Málaga, Spain died April 8, 1973, Mougins, France Spanish expatriate painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer, one of the greatest and most … Universalium
Picasso, Pablo — pseud. di Ruiz y Picasso, Pablo … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
Picasso, Pablo Ruiz — (10/31/1881 Malaga 4/8/ 1973) (Spain / France); aka [birth name] Ruiz y Picasso, Pablo Painter, graphic artist, sculptor, ceramicist, stage set designer, and poet. One of the most important figures of Modernism, developer of Cubism, he worked… … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators
Picasso, Pablo — b. 1881, Málaga; d. 1973, Mougins (France) Painter and sculptor Picasso s name conjures up an image of creative freedom and protean energy, epitomizing the spirit of twentieth century art. The stylistic versatility of his oeuvre, which… … Encyclopedia of contemporary Spanish culture
Picasso, Pablo — ► (1881 1973) Pintor español. Una de las grandes figuras del arte moderno. De su adolescencia destacan La muchacha de los pies descalzos y El mendigo de la gorra. La entrada de Picasso en la Escuela de Bellas Artes fue brillante. En esta época… … Enciclopedia Universal
Picasso, Pablo (Ruiz y) — born Oct. 25, 1881, Málaga, Spain died April 8, 1973, Mougins, France Spanish born French painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and stage designer. Trained by his father, a professor of drawing, he exhibited his first works at 13. After… … Universalium
Picasso, Pablo (Ruiz y) — (25 oct. 1881, Málaga, España–8 abr. 1973, Mougins, Francia). Pintor, escultor, grabador, ceramista y escenógrafo francés de origen español. Formado inicialmente por su padre, un profesor de dibujo, expuso sus primeras obras a los 13 años de edad … Enciclopedia Universal
Picasso, Pablo Ruiz — (1881 1973) A famous Spanish painter who may have suffered from * migraine aura without headache. This suggestion is based on Picasso s paintings ofwomen s faces displaying a peculiar vertical split which is reminiscent of *illusory splitting … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Picasso, Pablo — (1881–1973) Spanish artist … Bryson’s dictionary for writers and editors
Ruiz y Picasso, Pablo — see Picasso, Pablo Ruiz … Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators