Paley,William S.

Paley,William S.
Pa·ley (pāʹlē), William S. 1901-1990.
American broadcasting executive who founded the Columbia Broadcasting System (1929).

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • PALEY, WILLIAM SAMUEL — (1901–1990), U.S. radio and television executive. Born in Chicago, Paley joined his father Samuel Paley s cigar manufacturing business, in which he served as vice president from 1922 to 1928. In the course of advertising cigars over the airwaves… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Paley, William S. — ▪ American executive born Sept. 28, 1901, Chicago, Ill., U.S. died Oct. 26, 1990, New York, N.Y.  American broadcaster who served as the Columbia Broadcasting System s (CBS Corporation) president (1928–46), chairman of the board (1946–83),… …   Universalium

  • Paley, William — (1743 1805)    An Anglican bishop and apologist, Paley, while not an original thinker, was gifted in the art of writing popular presentations of apologetics, as in A View of the Evidence of Christianity (1794), which was required reading at… …   Christian Philosophy

  • Paley, William — ▪ British philosopher and priest born July 1743, Peterborough, Northamptonshire [now in Cambridgeshire], Eng. died May 25, 1805, Lincoln, Lincolnshire       English Anglican priest, Utilitarian philosopher, and author of influential works on… …   Universalium

  • Paley, William — (1743–1805) English theologian and moral philosopher. Paley is remembered for two contributions to natural theology. The first is the sustained defence of the argument to design for the existence of God, in his Natural Theology (1802). Paley… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • PALEY, William — (1743 1805)    English theologian and UTILITARIAN philosopher who was Archdeacon of Carlisle. His book The Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy became the ethics text at the University of Cambridge while his attacks on DEISM in A View of… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • Paley, William — (1743–1805)    Philosopher and Theologian.    For much of his early career Paley taught at the University of Cambridge. Subsequently he served a parish in Cumbria and he was appointed Archdeacon of Carlisle in 1782. He is remembered for his works …   Who’s Who in Christianity

  • Paley, William S(amuel) — (28 sep. 1901, Chicago, Ill., EE.UU.–26 oct. 1990, Nueva York, N.Y.). Empresario de la industria de la radio y la televisión. En 1922 comenzó a trabajar en el negocio familiar de puros, que tuvo gran éxito al aumentar las ventas mediante la… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Paley, William — (1901 90)    American media executive. Born in Chicago to immigrants from the Ukraine, he studied at the University of Pennsylvania and joined his father s cigar manufac turing company. Later he became president of the Columbia Broadcasting… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Paley, William — ► (1743 1805) Filósofo y teólogo protestante británico. Autor de Principios de moral y filosofía política …   Enciclopedia Universal

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