- Cabinet of President Lyndon B. Johnson
▪ TableCabinet of President Lyndon B. JohnsonNovember 22, 1963-January 20, 1965 (Term 1)Interior Stewart Lee UdallAgriculture Orville Lothrop FreemanCommerce Luther Hartwell HodgesHealth, Education, and Welfare Anthony Joseph CelebrezzeJanuary 20, 1965-January 20, 1969 (Term 2)Henry Hamill Fowler (from April 1, 1965)Joseph Walker Barr (from December 23, 1968)Clark M. Clifford (from March 1, 1968)Attorney General Nicholas deBelleville KatzenbachWilliam Ramsey Clark (from March 10, 1967)Interior Stewart Lee UdallAgriculture Orville Lothrop FreemanCommerce John Thomas ConnorAlexander Buel Trowbridge (from June 14, 1967)Cyrus Rowlett Smith (from March 6, 1968)Health, Education, and Welfare Anthony Joseph CelebrezzeJohn William Gardner (from August 18, 1965)Wilbur Joseph Cohen (from May 9, 1968)Robert Coldwell Wood (from January 7, 1969)Transportation* Alan Stephenson Boyd (from January 16, 1967)*Newly created department.See as table:
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Universalium. 2010.