Popes and antipopes

Popes and antipopes

Popes and antipopes1
antipopes in italics
Peter (Peter the Apostle, Saint) ?-c. 64
Linus (Linus, Saint) c. 67-76/79
Anacletus (Anacletus, Saint) 76-88 or 79-91
Clement I (Clement I Saint) 88-97 or 92-101
Evaristus (Evaristus, Saint) c. 97-c. 107
Alexander I (Alexander I, Saint) 105-115 or 109-119
Sixtus I (Sixtus I, Saint) c. 115-c. 125
Telesphorus (Telesphorus, Saint) c. 125-c. 136
Hyginus (Hyginus, Saint) c. 136-c. 140
Pius I (Pius I, Saint) c. 140-155
Anicetus (Anicetus, Saint) c. 155-c. 166
Soter (Soter, Saint) c. 166-c. 175
Eleutherius (Eleutherius, Saint) c. 175-189
Victor I (Victor I, Saint) c. 189-199
Zephyrinus (Zephyrinus, Saint) c. 199-217
Calixtus I (Calixtus I, Saint) (Callistus) 217?-222
Hippolytus (Hippolytus of Rome, Saint) 217/218-235
Urban I (Urban I, Saint) 222-230
Pontian (Pontian, Saint) 230-235
Anterus (Anterus, Saint) 235-236
Fabian (Fabian, Saint) 236-250
Cornelius (Cornelius, Saint) 251-253
Novatian 251
Lucius I (Lucius I, Saint) 253-254
Stephen I (Stephen I, Saint) 254-257
Sixtus II (Sixtus II, Saint) 257-258
Dionysius (Dionysius, Saint) 259-268
Felix I (Felix I, Saint) 269-274
Eutychian (Eutychian, Saint) 275-283
Gaius (Gaius, Saint) 283-296
Marcellinus (Marcellinus, Saint) 291/296-304
Marcellus I (Marcellus I, Saint) 308-309
Eusebius (Eusebius, Saint) 309/310
Miltiades (Miltiades, Saint) (Melchiades) 311-314
Sylvester I (Sylvester I, Saint) 314-335
Mark (Mark, Saint) 336
Julius I (Julius I, Saint) 337-352
Liberius 352-366
Felix (II) 355-358
Damasus I (Damasus I Saint) 366-384
Ursinus 366-367
Siricius (Siricius, Saint) 384-399
Anastasius I (Anastasius I, Saint) 399-401
Innocent I (Innocent I, Saint) 401-417
Zosimus (Zosimus, Saint) 417-418
Boniface I (Boniface I, Saint) 418-422
Eulalius 418-419
Celestine I (Celestine I, Saint) 422-432
Sixtus III (Sixtus III, Saint) 432-440
Leo I (Leo I, Saint) 440-461
Hilary (Hilary, Saint) 461-468
Simplicius (Simplicius, Saint) 468-483
Felix III (or II) (Felix III, Saint)2 483-492
Gelasius I (Gelasius I, Saint) 492-496
Anastasius II 496-498
Symmachus (Symmachus, Saint) 498-514
Laurentius 498, 501-c. 505/507
Hormisdas (Hormisdas, Saint) 514-523
John I (John I, Saint) 523-526
Felix IV (or III) (Felix IV, Saint)2 526-530
Dioscorus 530
Boniface II 530-532
John II 533-535
Agapetus I (Agapetus I, Saint) 535-536
Silverius (Silverius, Saint) 536-537
Vigilius 537-555
Pelagius I 556-561
John III 561-574
Benedict I 575-579
Pelagius II 579-590
Gregory I (Gregory I, Saint) 590-604
Sabinian 604-606
Boniface IV (Boniface IV, Saint) 608-615
Deusdedit (Deusdedit, Saint) (also called Adeodatus I) 615-618
Boniface V 619-625
Honorius I 625-638
Severinus 640
John IV 640-642
Theodore I 642-649
Martin I (Martin I, Saint) 649-655
Eugenius I (Eugenius I, Saint) 654-657
Vitalian (Vitalian, Saint) 657-672
Adeodatus II 672-676
Donus 676-678
Agatho (Agatho, Saint) 678-681
Leo II (Leo II, Saint) 682-683
Benedict II (Benedict II, Saint) 684-685
John V 685-686
Conon 686-687
Sergius I (Sergius I, Saint) 687-701
Theodore 687
Paschal (Paschal (I)) 687
John VI 701-705
John VII 705-707
Sisinnius 708
Constantine 708-715
Gregory II (Gregory II, Saint) 715-731
Gregory III (Gregory III, Saint) 731-741
Zacharias (Zacharias, Saint) (Zachary) 741-752
Stephen (II)3 752
Paul I (Paul I, Saint) 757-767
Constantine (II) 767-768
Philip 768
Stephen III (or IV)3 768-772
Adrian I 772-795
Leo III (Leo III, Saint) 795-816
Paschal I (Paschal I, Saint) 817-824
Eugenius II 824-827
Valentine 827
Gregory IV 827-844
John 844
Sergius II 844-847
Leo IV (Leo IV, Saint) 847-855
Benedict III 855-858
Nicholas I (Nicholas I, Saint) 858-867
Adrian II 867-872
John VIII 872-882
Marinus I 882-884
Adrian III 884-885
Stephen V (or VI)3 885-891
Formosus 891-896
Boniface VI 896
Stephen VI (or VII)3 896-897
Romanus 897
Theodore II 897
John IX 898-900
Benedict IV 900-903
Leo V 903
Christopher 903-904
Sergius III 904-911
Anastasius III 911-913
Lando 913-914
John X 914-928
Leo VI 928
Stephen VII (or VIII)3 929-931
John XI 931-935
Leo VII 936-939
Stephen VIII (or IX)3 939-942
Marinus II 942-946
Agapetus II 946-955
John XII 955-964
Leo VIII4 963-965
Benedict V4 964-966
John XIII 965-972
Benedict VI 973-974
Boniface VII (1st time) 974
Benedict VII 974-983
John XIV 983-984
Boniface VII (2nd time) 984-985
John XV (or XVI)5 985-996
Gregory V 996-999
John XVI (or XVII)5 997-998
Sylvester II 999-1003
John XVII (or XVIII)5 1003
John XVIII (or XIX)5 1004-09
Sergius IV 1009-12
Gregory (VI) 1012
Benedict VIII 1012-24
John XIX (or XX)5 1024-32
Benedict IX (1st time) 1032-44
Sylvester III6 1045
Benedict IX (2nd time) 1045
Gregory VI 1045-46
Clement II 1046-47
Benedict IX (3rd time) 1047-48
Damasus II 1048
Leo IX 1049-54
Victor II 1055-57
Stephen IX (or X)3 1057-58
Benedict X 1058-59
Nicholas II 1059-61
Alexander II 1061-73
Honorius (II) 1061-72
Gregory VII 1073-85
Clement (III) 1080-1100
Victor III 1086-87
Urban II 1088-99
Paschal II 1099-1118
Theodoric 1100-02
Albert (also called Aleric) 1102
Sylvester (IV) 1105-11
Gelasius II 1118-19
Gregory (VIII) 1118-21
Calixtus II (Callistus) 1119-24
Honorius II 1124-30
Celestine (II) 1124
Innocent II 1130-43
Anacletus (II) 1130-38
Victor (IV) 1138
Celestine II 1143-44
Lucius II 1144-45
Eugenius III 1145-53
Anastasius IV 1153-54
Adrian IV 1154-59
Alexander III 1159-81
Victor (IV) 1159-64
Paschal (III) 1164-68
Calixtus (III) 1168-78
Innocent (III) 1179-80
Lucius III 1181-85
Urban III 1185-87
Gregory VIII 1187
Clement III 1187-91
Celestine III 1191-98
Innocent III 1198-1216
Honorius III 1216-27
Gregory IX 1227-41
Celestine IV 1241
Innocent IV 1243-54
Alexander IV 1254-61
Urban IV 1261-64
Clement IV 1265-68
Gregory X 1271-76
Innocent V 1276
Adrian V 1276
John XXI5 1276-77
Nicholas III 1277-80
Martin IV7 1281-85
Honorius IV 1285-87
Nicholas IV 1288-92
Celestine V (Celestine V, Saint) 1294
Boniface VIII 1294-1303
Benedict XI (Benedict XI, Blessed) 1303-04
Clement V (at Avignon from 1309) 1305-14
John XXII5 (at Avignon) 1316-34
Nicholas (V) (at Rome) 1328-30
Benedict XII (at Avignon) 1334-42
Clement VI (at Avignon) 1342-52
Innocent VI (at Avignon) 1352-62
Urban V (Urban V, Blessed) (at Avignon) 1362-70
Gregory XI (at Avignon, then Rome from 1377) 1370-78
Urban VI 1378-89
Clement (VII) (at Avignon) 1378-94
Boniface IX 1389-1404
Benedict (XIII) (at Avignon) 1394-1423
Innocent VII 1404-06
Gregory XII 1406-15
Alexander (V) (at Bologna) 1409-10
John (XXIII) (at Bologna) 1410-15
Martin V7 1417-31
Clement (VIII) 1423-29
Eugenius IV 1431-47
Felix (V) (Amadeus VIII) (also called Amadeus VIII of Savoy) 1439-49
Nicholas V 1447-55
Pius II 1458-64
Paul II 1464-71
Sixtus IV 1471-84
Innocent VIII 1484-92
Alexander VI 1492-1503
Pius III 1503
Julius II 1503-13
Leo X 1513-21
Adrian VI 1522-23
Clement VII 1523-34
Paul III 1534-49
Julius III 1550-55
Paul IV 1555-59
Pius IV 1559-65
Pius V (Pius V, Saint) 1566-72
Gregory XIII 1572-85
Sixtus V 1585-90
Urban VII 1590
Gregory XIV 1590-91
Clement VIII 1592-1605
Leo XI 1605
Paul V 1605-21
Gregory XV 1621-23
Urban VIII 1623-44
Innocent X 1644-55
Alexander VII 1655-67
Clement IX 1667-69
Clement X 1670-76
Innocent XI (Innocent XI Blessed) 1676-89
Alexander VIII 1689-91
Innocent XII 1691-1700
Clement XI 1700-21
Innocent XIII 1721-24
Benedict XIII 1724-30
Clement XII 1730-40
Benedict XIV 1740-58
Clement XIII 1758-69
Clement XIV 1769-74
Pius VI 1775-99
Pius VII 1800-23
Leo XII 1823-29
Pius VIII 1829-30
Gregory XVI 1831-46
Pius IX 1846-78
Leo XIII 1878-1903
Pius X (Pius X, Saint) 1903-14
Benedict XV 1914-22
Pius XI 1922-39
Pius XII 1939-58
John XXIII 1958-63
Paul VI 1963-78
John Paul I 1978
John Paul II 1978-2005
Benedict XVI 2005-
1Until the 4th century the popes were usually known only as bishops of Rome.
2The higher number is used if Felix (II), who reigned from 355 to 358 and is ordinarily classed as an antipope, is counted as a pope.
3Though elected on March 23, 752, Stephen (II) died two days later, before he could be consecrated, and thus is ordinarily not counted. The issue has made the numbering of subsequent Stephens somewhat irregular.
4Either Leo VIII or Benedict V may be considered an antipope.
5A confusion in the numbering of popes named John after John XIV (reigned 983-984) resulted because some 11th-century historians mistakenly believed that there had been a pope named John between antipope Boniface VII and the true John XV (reigned 985-996). Therefore they mistakenly numbered the real popes John XV to XIX as John XVI to XX. These popes have since customarily been renumbered XV to XIX, but John XXI and John XXII continue to bear numbers that they themselves formally adopted on the assumption that there had indeed been 20 Johns before them. In current numbering there thus exists no pope by the name of John XX.
6Sylvester III is considered an antipope by those who believe that Benedict IX's forcible removal in 1044 was illegitimate.
7In the 13th century the papal chancery misread the names of the two popes Marinus as Martin, and, as a result of this error, Simon de Brie in 1281 assumed the name of Pope Martin IV instead of Martin II. The enumeration has not been corrected, and thus there exist no Martin II and Martin III.
See as table:

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