zinc processing

zinc processing


      preparation of the ore for use in various products.

      Zinc (Zn) is a metallic element of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) crystal structure and a density of 7.13 grams per cubic centimetre. It has only moderate hardness and can be made ductile and easily worked at temperatures slightly above the ambient. In solid form it is grayish white, owing to the formation of an oxide film on its surface, but when freshly cast or cut it has a bright, silvery appearance. Its most important use, as a protective coating for iron known as galvanizing, derives from two of its outstanding characteristics: it is highly resistant to corrosion, and, in contact with iron, it provides sacrificial protection by corroding in place of the iron.

      With its low melting point of 420° C (788° F), unalloyed zinc has poor engineering properties, but in alloyed form the metal is used extensively. The addition of up to 45 percent zinc to copper forms the series of brass alloys, while, with additions of aluminum, zinc forms commercially significant pressure die-casting and gravity-casting alloys. In sheet form, zinc is used to make the cans of dry-cell batteries, and, alloyed with small amounts of copper and titanium, an improved-strength sheet is formed that has applications in the roofing and cladding of many buildings.

      The chemical compounds of zinc, particularly zinc oxide, have important industrial and pharmaceutical uses.

      The separation of metallic zinc from its ores by pyrometallurgy is much more difficult than with other common metals, such as copper, lead, and iron, because the reduction of zinc oxide by carbon (C) proceeds spontaneously only above the zinc boiling point of 907° C (1,665° F). Efficient methods of condensing the vapour to liquid metal were not discovered until the 14th century AD. As an alloy constituent, however, zinc was in use well before that time. Brass, an alloy of copper and zinc, was produced by the Romans as early as 200 BC by heating copper, zinc oxide (ZnO), and carbon together. The zinc formed by the reduction of its oxide was absorbed into the copper and did not appear as a separate phase.

      Evidence suggests that zinc was first produced in quantity in India and China. At Zawar in Rājasthān, India, the remains of a smelting industry dating from the 14th century have been found. Although no written record exists, the process appears to have involved large numbers of small clay retorts, which were charged with zinc oxide and charcoal, placed in a setting, and heated. The exact method of condensing and collecting the zinc can only be surmised.

      Subsequent commercial procedures for zinc production all involved retort processes, the key overall reaction being initiated by external heat and involving the reduction of ZnO to zinc vapour by carbon, which was itself oxidized to carbon monoxide (CO). Important advances were made by William Champion in Bristol, Eng., in the mid-18th century, by Johann Ruberg in Silesia in the late 18th century, and by Jean-Jacques-Daniel Dony in Liège, Belg., in the early 19th century. Belgian-type horizontal retorts were operated in Britain as the main zinc-producing process for about 100 years starting in the mid-19th century. The daily output of each retort was about 40 kilograms (90 pounds), and several hundred retorts were banked together and fired by gas. The process was physically arduous in the extreme and suffered all the disadvantages of small-scale batch operation with high energy and labour costs.

      In the late 1920s a continuous vertical-retort process was developed in the United States. The retort was constructed of silicon carbide brick for high heat conductivity, with a rectangular cross section of two metres (six feet) by one-third metre and a height of 11 metres. The charge of roasted sulfide concentrate and anthracite coal was sized, briquetted, and preheated in a coking furnace prior to charging to the heated retort. Zinc vapour, removed with CO at the top of the retort, was condensed in a stirred molten-zinc bath. The output of each retort was about eight tons per day, and a typical plant operated about 20 retorts.

      A variant of the vertical retort, known as the electrothermic furnace, was also developed in the United States at about the same time. In this process, heat was supplied through the direct electrical-resistance heating of the coke in the charge.

      The most serious disadvantage of the improved retort processes was that they were restricted to ore concentrates with a low iron content, because high iron content in the feed caused plates of iron to form in the retorts. For this reason, zinc production by this means is now obsolete.

      Early attempts to devise a blast-furnace process for zinc production failed because of the difficulty of condensing zinc vapour from a gas containing substantial quantities of carbon dioxide. This difficulty was finally overcome in the mid-20th century by the development of the lead-splash condenser, a means of shock-cooling furnace gases and absorbing zinc vapour into solution in molten lead. This allowed the zinc blast furnace to become the main pyrometallurgical means of producing zinc.

      The zinc blast furnace should actually be referred to as the zinc-lead blast furnace, since, beginning with the first successful recycling of lead drosses from the condenser, blast-furnace operations evolved to the handling of mixed zinc-lead feed materials up to a ratio of 2:1 zinc to lead.

      The major zinc-recovery process, electrolysis, made steady progress after commercial operation commenced around 1915–18. Prior to this, numerous attempts had been made, without success, following a patented method of sulfate electrolysis by the Frenchman Léon Letrange in 1881. The discovery that a high-purity sulfate electrolyte was required led to the eventual success of the process.

      Zinc ores are widely distributed throughout the world, although more than 40 percent of the world's output originates in North America and Australia. The common zinc-containing minerals are the zinc sulfide known as zinc blende or sphalerite (ZnS), a ferrous form of zinc blende known as marmatite [(ZnFe)S], and a zinc carbonate known as calamine or smithsonite (ZnCO3).

      The geology of zinc deposits is complex. In most cases, hydrothermal mechanisms have occurred in which aqueous solutions were forced through porous strata at high temperatures and pressures to dissolve zinc, lead, and other minerals, which were finally precipitated as sulfides. The zinc content of mined ore is usually between 3 and 10 percent. Almost all ores contain the lead sulfide mineral galena and small quantities of cadmium sulfide. Chalcopyrite, and copper-iron sulfide, is often present. The most common gangue constituents are calcite, dolomite, and quartz.

mining and concentrating
      Zinc ores are recovered by many mining techniques, ranging from open-pit mining (mainly in the case of oxidized ore bodies, which are located closer to the Earth's surface) to the normal underground methods (used for the more deeply located sulfide ores). The most common underground method of ore extraction is cut-and-fill stoping, in which tunnels are dug to moderate depths, branching away from the mine portals.

      The small fraction of zinc sulfide minerals present in the ore makes beneficiation necessary in order to produce a concentrate suitable for treatment. The most common method for accomplishing this concentration is to isolate the sulfide mineral from the impure constituents, or gangue, by flotation separation. In this process, the ore initially is crushed to about 1.9 centimetres (0.75 inch), combined with water, and ground to less than 0.1 millimetre in a ball mill. The finely ground particles and water form a slurry that flows from the mill to flotation cells or tanks, where, in the presence of selected chemical reagents that create a suspension of air bubbles, the slurry is agitated by beaters. The mineral particles cling to the bubbles and float to the surface, forming an oily froth that is constantly skimmed, while the gangue is wetted by the action of the chemicals and sinks in the cell. The proper choice of frothing agents makes it possible to separate each constituent mineral of complex lead and zinc sulfides in a concentrated form.

Extraction and refining

Roasting and sintering
      Both of the main extraction methods for the production of zinc, electrolysis and smelting, require the prior removal of sulfur in a highly exothermic oxidation reaction:

      For the electrolytic production of zinc, the roasting of concentrates is achieved in fluidized-bed roasters, in which finely divided and heated particles of concentrate are suspended in a rising stream of air. The sulfur content can be reduced to less than 0.5 percent, and a high-strength (10 percent) sulfur dioxide gas is forwarded to a sulfuric acid plant. The process is thermally efficient, and the resulting calcine is in the form of small particles that can easily be leached into solution for further treatment.

      The process described above becomes difficult to operate if the grade of concentrate falls and particularly if the lead content rises above 3 percent. For this reason, and because a strong, lumpy feed is required, the zinc-lead blast furnace utilizes a sintering process to supply its oxidized feed. Fine concentrates are mixed with crushed returned sinter to give a material containing about 6.5 percent sulfur. This is fed onto a moving grate and fired in an updraft of air, and the sintered cake leaving the machine is broken into a convenient lump size. By virtue of its strength and hardness, sinter is an ideal feed for the blast furnace. A gas containing 7.5 percent sulfur dioxide is passed to a sulfuric acid plant.

      The basic steps in this process include (1) preparation of a zinc sulfate solution by leaching zinc oxide calcines (produced by the roasting of sulfide concentrates) in dilute sulfuric acid, (2) purification of the resulting zinc sulfate solution, and (3) electrolysis of the purified solution.

      The theoretical voltage required to deposit zinc from zinc sulfate solution onto a cathode is about twice the voltage necessary to decompose water, so that, in theory, electrolysis should result in the production of hydrogen at the cathode and not the deposition of zinc. When a zinc cathode is used, however, overvoltage prevents the generation of hydrogen, and, hence, zinc is deposited. The hydrogen overvoltage depends crucially on the purity of the zinc sulfate electrolyte; the presence of certain impurities at even very low concentrations can cause a drastic lowering of the overvoltage and thus interfere with zinc deposition. For this reason, extreme purification of the electrolyte is a critical necessity in the process and is accomplished in two stages. The first stage is the removal of iron as a solid residue in the form of either jarosite (a basic ferric sulfate) or the oxides goethite or hematite. This is then followed by cementation with zinc dust to remove other metallic impurities (including copper, nickel, cadmium, cobalt, and germanium) from the solution.

      Electrolysis is performed in lead-lined concrete cells with anodes of lead containing 0.5–1.0 percent silver and cathodes of aluminum sheet. The zinc deposits are stripped from the cathodes every 24 to 48 hours and remelted in an induction furnace before casting into ingots or pigs. The purification of the electrolyte ensures that the normal product will reach a purity of 99.99 percent or more. In existing plants, outputs vary from 50,000 to 300,000 tons per annum.

The zinc-lead blast furnace
 Sintered zinc and lead concentrates, mixed with metallurgical coke, are charged into the top of a shaft furnace, into which preheated air is blown through nozzles, or tuyeres, at the base (see figure—>). This procedure is similar to that followed in an iron blast furnace, with the important difference that the major products of reduction here are a zinc-bearing gas and liquid phases that separate in the furnace hearth and are tapped periodically. (The liquids consist of molten lead, containing recoverable copper and silver, and the gangue content of the charge, in the form of a molten oxide slag.)

      The gas stream, containing 8 percent zinc, 10 percent carbon dioxide, and 20 percent carbon monoxide, is directed from the upper shaft to a lead-splash condenser, a chamber in which an intense shower of lead droplets is thrown up by rotors revolving in a pool of molten lead. The zinc vapour is absorbed into the lead, and, by withdrawing the lead continuously and cooling it, the saturation point of zinc in lead is reached and molten zinc separates as a distinct layer on the surface. On removal of the zinc overflow, the partially cooled lead is returned to carry out further shock-chilling.

      In existing smelters, shaft furnaces vary in area from 15 to 27 square metres (180 to 290 square feet), and capacities range from 50,000 to 100,000 tons of zinc and 30,000 to 50,000 tons of lead per annum. The zinc-lead blast furnace has the flexibility to accept a wide range of mixed ores and residues in its feed. Complex sulfide ores have to be sintered, but oxidized residues such as zinc ashes and drosses recovered from galvanizing processes, oxides produced from low-grade residues, lead smelter dusts, and steel-mill dust high in lead and zinc can bypass the sinter roasting process. A number of cold and hot briquetting techniques are available to consolidate these low-grade materials so that they may be charged directly to the furnace.

Distillation refining
      The blast furnace produces an ordinary grade of zinc containing 1.2 percent lead. This can be used in general galvanizing, but an additional refluxing operation must be performed to produce high-grade zinc. The operation is performed in two fractionating columns, each consisting of a series of superposed rectangular trays made of bonded silicon carbide refractory material and arranged to allow a descending flow of liquid metal and an ascending flow of metal vapour. In the first column, a large part of the zinc is vaporized and freed from impurities with higher boiling points, such as lead and iron. The distilled vapour is condensed and fed into the second column, where the liquid's remaining impurity, cadmium, with a boiling point lower than that of zinc, is distilled. High-purity zinc is then run off from the bottom of the column.

Economic and environmental issues
      In comparing the two main processes for zinc production, electrolytic and pyrometallurgical, it is evident that most of the plant and infrastructure is common to both the processes. Both routes require roasting, sulfuric acid, and cadmium recovery plants. The blast furnace requires a refluxing unit to make high-grade metal, whereas the electrolytic plant has to include a solution purification stage. Capital costs are therefore similar. Operating costs vary considerably from plant to plant between and within each group, depending on the availability and local cost of electric power and coke. Overall recoveries are marginally higher in the electrolytic process, but on the other hand the feed is almost always of a higher grade than that utilized in the blast furnace.

      Hygiene and pollution pose special problems in both processes. At both plants extreme care has to be taken to work within existing hygiene standards. In the electrolytic case atmospheric pollution is relatively easy to control, but liquid effluents and iron residues are more onerous than blast-furnace wastes. The main waste produced by the blast furnace—furnace slag—is stable and can be dumped safely without affecting surface water, but since the blast furnace is also a lead smelter, stringent precautions for limiting lead contamination must be observed within and without the plant.

The metal and its alloys
      The world's consumption of zinc falls into five areas. The most important use, approaching 50 percent, is in the corrosion protection of iron and steel. About 15 to 20 percent is consumed both in brass alloys (alloy) and cast-zinc alloys, and 8 to 12 percent is used both in wrought alloys and in miscellaneous uses such as chemicals and zinc dust.

Corrosion protection
      The major method of applying zinc coatings to steel for corrosion protection is known as galvanizing. This protects steel in two ways. First, it provides a reasonably impermeable barrier between the steel and a corrosive atmosphere. Second, when the barrier protection fails, it provides sacrificial electrochemical action whereby the zinc, which is more electronegative than iron, corrodes instead of the steel.

      Hot-dip galvanizing is the most common procedure for coating steel with zinc. This may be a batch process known as general galvanizing or a continuous coating of coils of steel strip. In general galvanizing, steel is pickled in acid, treated with fluxing agents, and then dipped in a bath of molten zinc at about 450° C (840° F). Layers of iron-zinc alloy are formed on the surface, topped with an outer layer of zinc. Objects so treated range from small nuts and bolts to steel window frames and large girders used in construction. An ordinary grade of zinc containing up to 1.5 percent lead is normally used in this process.

      In continuous coating of steel strip, similar pretreatments are given to the steel, but the bath contains a purer form of zinc and 0.1 to 0.2 percent aluminum (Al), which, at these concentrations, suppresses the formation of brittle iron-zinc compounds and results in a coating that is more flexible and able to withstand greater deformation. Coating thicknesses can be controlled by varying such factors as the temperature and composition of the zinc bath, but a thickness of 25 micrometres (0.001 inch) is normal.

      The commercial use of coated strip has been widened by two additional bath compositions. Galvalume is a highly corrosion-resistant alloy of 55 percent aluminum, 43.5 percent zinc, and 1.5 percent silicon that is used in cladding and roofing in industrial environments. Galfan is high-purity zinc containing 5 percent aluminum and 0.1 percent misch metal; steel coated with this alloy has high corrosion resistance and better formability than conventionally coated steel.

      Continuously coated steel strip has growing application both in the cladding of industrial buildings and in car bodies. Some of this strip is coated on one side only, and electrogalvanizing (or zinc plating) is an alternative method of applying zinc when controlled thinner coatings are required. A continuous plating line, by depositing an electrocoat of zinc with 12 percent nickel, can provide the automobile industry with steel sheet that has high corrosion resistance and improved spot-welding capability.

      Other methods of applying zinc coatings to steel include (1) the spraying of atomized particles of molten zinc onto cleaned and roughened steel from a special gun fed with wire or powder (a process useful for applying protective coatings to structures that are too large for the dipping process), (2) the heating of small articles in a revolving drum of heated zinc powder, resulting in the formation of an alloy layer on the surface, and (3) the application of an electrically conducting dry film consisting of paint formulated with a high content of zinc dust (a coating that gives the same protection as galvanizing and is widely used both in protecting steel and in repairing damaged zinc coatings).

      Zinc forms alloys with copper (Cu) in all proportions, but only those alloys containing up to about 45 percent zinc, and ranging in colour from red through yellow to gold as the amount of zinc increases, are in commercial use as brass. Two main phases are involved: the alpha phase, which is face-centred cubic with a maximum zinc content of 39 percent; and the beta phase, which is body-centred cubic and occurs at 40 to 50 percent zinc content. Alloys composed entirely of the alpha phase are characterized by their ability to be cold-worked and are suitable for rolling, pressing, and drawing. At 40 to 45 percent zinc, the solidified alloys form mixed alpha and beta phases, in which hot plasticity is followed on cooling by reasonable cold-working properties. These are used in casting, hot-pressing, and extruding.

      The brasses have high strengths, good corrosion resistance, and good electrical conductivity. They have wide domestic and industrial applications.

Casting alloys
 The major consumption of cast-zinc alloys is in products formed by pressure die-casting. This is a highly automated process in which molten alloy is injected under pressure into a steel die, where rapid solidification takes place. High production rates can be achieved, and the resulting components have good dimensional stability and surface quality. Also, they can be plated to produce highly decorative finishes. The alloys used, designated alloy 3 and alloy 5 (see the Table—>), are both based on high-purity (99.99 percent) zinc. Alloy 3 is the most commonly used, while alloy 5 is slightly harder, owing to the presence of copper in addition to aluminum and magnesium (Mg). Significant quantities of zinc die castings are used by the automotive industry as plated functional and decorative components and trim and also as carburetors. Zinc-alloy castings are used widely in domestic appliances, locks, door handles, bathroom fittings, toys, and a variety of engineering components.

      Research conducted since the late 1960s has been responsible for the emergence of a new series of high-performance zinc-aluminum casting alloys now known internationally as the ZA series. ZA 8 is an alloy used for gravity-cast parts in which improved creep resistance is required, whereas alloys ZA 12 and ZA 27 are general-purpose foundry alloys used in sand-casting, permanent-mold-casting, and cold-chamber pressure die-casting.

Wrought zinc and zinc alloys
      Rolled zinc strip and sheet is utilized in dry batteries and in the building trade. The usual method of fabrication consists of continuous strip casting followed by in-line rolling mills. At room temperature, unalloyed zinc recrystallizes into its hcp structure and cannot be hardened by working. Nevertheless, rolled zinc satisfies many uses in spite of its low mechanical properties. In the manufacture of primary batteries, circular or hexagonal blanks are stamped from narrow zinc strip; the blanks are then impact extruded in automatic presses into cylindrical cans, which form the anodes of Leclanché cells. Higher-voltage cells are made from layers of zinc sheets fabricated from zinc powder.

      Another use of zinc strip is in coins, which are stamped from rolled strip and often plated with copper.

      Zinc sheet is used in the building trade, mainly in Europe, for roof cladding, gutters, downspouts, and flashing. This market has been boosted by the development of zinc alloys containing copper and titanium (Ti). On rolling, the alloy particles of titanium and zinc align in the rolling direction. These “stringers” are the main strengthening feature of the alloys, restricting grain movement and providing much improved creep strength (i.e., resistance to permanent deformation by the continuous application of stress). Because of their fine grain size, these alloys also have good ductility at normal and low temperatures, making them amenable to a number of sheet-forming and strip-forming processes that require bending, stamping, cutting into blanks, or stretching. They may also be extruded in bar form, although the extrusion pressure is usually higher than for an equivalent reduction ratio or billet size of brass or aluminum. Forging and cold-stamping operations also have been applied successfully to the alloys.

      An alloy of zinc containing 22 percent aluminum has commercial potential by virtue of its superplastic properties—that is, its ability to be formed as readily as a plastic at elevated temperatures while retaining normal metal properties at room temperature. Vacuum- and pressure-forming techniques have been applied to sheet material in a wide range of potential applications.

Zinc dust and powder
      Zinc dust has a number of applications in the chemical industry, mainly as a reducing agent, and in the metallurgical industry as a cementation agent. Its use in paint is mentioned above (see Corrosion protection). A growing use is in alkaline zinc–manganese dioxide primary batteries. Instead of a can made from zinc strip, these cells have a steel can with a layer of manganese dioxide on the inside and inside that again a separator enclosing a paste of zinc powder as the anode. The energy capacity of these cells is about double that of the traditional Leclanché cell.

      Methods of production of zinc dust involve shock-chilling zinc vapour in nitrogen.

Chemical compounds

Zinc oxide
      Two main processes are employed for producing zinc oxide, a white powder. In the direct, or American, method of manufacture, zinc ores (or residues) are heated in air with coke or anthracite, and the resulting zinc vapour is subjected to controlled oxidation. In the indirect, or French, process, the zinc vapour to be oxidized is obtained by boiling zinc.

      There are various grades of zinc oxide, depending on the starting materials; these grades have different uses. A major use is as an accelerator in the vulcanization of rubber (automobile tires contain up to 5 percent zinc oxide). It is also used in paints, acting to toughen the film, prevent yellowing, and resist mold growth. Zinc oxide is also known to have semiconducting properties; related to this is the specific property of light sensitivity, or photoconductivity, which has been applied to photocopying processes. Miscellaneous uses include incorporation in ceramics and enamels and in lubricants.

Other industrial compounds
      Zinc sulfide in a suitably activated form (i.e., with trace quantities of certain elements) can exhibit fluorescence, phosphorescence, and luminescence. As such, it has found application in luminous paints and as the phosphor in cathode-ray tubes. Lithopone, which is a mixture of zinc sulfide and barium sulfate, is used as a white pigment in paints and mastics.

      Zinc sulfate and zinc chloride are used in a wide range of comparatively small-scale applications. The former is used in agriculture as a weed killer and to give protection against pests. It is also an important constituent of the precipitating bath in the manufacture of viscose rayon. Zinc chloride has applications in the textile industry and as a flux constituent in soldering, aluminum refining, and galvanizing.

      Zinc chromates are used as corrosion inhibitors and also as bright yellow pigments. Zinc phosphate, in addition to providing corrosion protection to iron and steel, is available in paint form as a pigment in an organic binder and as such is used as an anticorrosive primer on steel.

Medical compounds
      Pharmaceutical-grade zinc oxide is a high-purity oxide manufactured by the indirect French process from high-purity zinc metal. It is used in the preparation of ointments, lotions, and cosmetics. Zinc carbonate is a mild astringent to the skin and, as an ingredient of calamine lotion, is used to alleviate skin irritations.

Alan W. Richards

Additional Reading
Comprehensive and up-to-date information on many aspects of metallurgy, individual metals, and alloys can be found in convenient reference-form arrangement in the following works: Metals Handbook, 9th ed., 17 vol. (1978–89), a massive and detailed source prepared under the direction of the American Society for Metals, with a 10th edition that began publication in 1990; Herman F. Mark et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd ed., 31 vol. (1978–84), formerly known as Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, with a 4th edition begun in 1991; and its European counterpart, the first English-language edition of a monumental German work, Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, 5th, completely rev. ed., edited by Wolfgang Gerhartz et al. (1985– ). Ed.C.H. Mathewson (ed.), Zinc: The Science and Technology of the Metal, Its Alloys, and Compounds (1959, reissued 1970), remains a most comprehensive treatment of the subject; a more modern update is S.W.K. Morgan, Zinc and Its Alloys and Compounds (1985), covering history, manufacture, economics, and applications of the metal. More specialized analyses include Frank E. Goodwin and Adolph L. Ponikvar (eds.), Engineering Properties of Zinc Alloys, 3rd rev. ed. (1989); and C.J. Slunder and W.K. Boyd, Zinc: Its Corrosion Resistance, 2nd ed., rev. by T.K. Chrisman et al. (1983).Alan W. Richards

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