Voznesensky, Andrey Andreyevich

Voznesensky, Andrey Andreyevich

Soviet poet

born May 12, 1933, Moscow, Russian S.F.S.R.
 Russian poet who was one of the most prominent of the generation of writers that emerged in the Soviet Union after the Stalinist era.

      Voznesensky spent his early childhood in the city of Vladimir. In 1941 he moved with his mother and sister to Kurgan, in the Ural Mountains, while his father assisted in the evacuation of factories from besieged Leningrad. The profound effects of the war on his developing psyche later found vivid expression in his poetry.

      After the war the family returned to Moscow, and Voznesensky pursued his education. While still a student at Moscow Architectural Institute, from which he graduated in 1957, he sent some of his own verses to the renowned author Boris Pasternak (Pasternak, Boris Leonidovich), who encouraged him and became his model and tutor for the next three years.

      Voznesensky's first published poems, which appeared in 1958, are experimental works marked by changing metres and rhythms, a distinctive use of assonance and sound associations, and a passionate but intellectually subtle moral fervour. His important early works include the long narrative poem Mastera (1959; “The Masters”) and two poetry collections, Mozaika (1960; “Mosaic”) and Parabola (1960).

      During the late 1950s and early '60s, Soviet poets staged a creative renaissance. Poetry readings became so popular that they sometimes were held in sports arenas in order to accommodate thousands of listeners. Along with his contemporary Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the charismatic Voznesensky became a star attraction at these events. The readings came to a sudden halt in 1963, however, when Soviet artists and writers working inexcessively experimentalstyles were subjected to an official campaign of condemnation. Along with his fellow poets outside the approved school of Socialist Realism, Voznesensky suffered seven months of official criticism; he was returned to partial favour only after writing an ironic recantation in the government newspaper Pravda. Charges of obscurity, experimentation, andideological immaturitycontinued to be periodically leveled against Voznesensky and his peers throughout the 1960s and '70s. Despite frequent criticism of his work, Voznesensky retained his position as anofficialwriter (he received the State Prize in 1978, for instance), which was a result of his ability to produce works on strategic themes when necessary. He was therefore able to act in ways otherwise dangerous for a Soviet author: he wrote letters that condemned the occupation of Czechoslovakia and defended the novelist Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and he collaborated on the underground magazine Metropol.

      In what is perhaps his best-known poem, “Goya” (1960), the author uses a series of powerful metaphors to express the horrors of war. “Akhillesovo serdtse” (“My Achilles Heart”) andAvtoportret” (“Self-Portrait”) tell of his suffering and anger during the 1963 crackdown. His later works include the volumes Sorok liricheskikh otstupleny iz poemyTreugolnaya grusha (1962; “Forty Lyric Digressions from the PoemTriangular Pear'”), Antimiry (1964; Antiworlds), Vypusti ptitsu! (1974; “Let the Bird Free!”), and Soblazn (1978; “Temptation”). On the whole, Voznesensky's works of the 1980s and '90s did not significantly change his reputation, notwithstanding his attempts to create new forms of poetry, including visual poetry. He also wrote a memoir, Na virtualnom vetru (1998; “Under the Virtual Wind”).

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