vocal-instrumental concerto
- vocal-instrumental concerto
musical composition of the early Baroque era (late 16th and early 17th centuries) in which choirs, solo voices, and instruments are contrasted with one another. Although sometimes employing secular texts, the genre is particularly associated with sacred music and is sometimes referred to as the sacred concerto. Its principle of contrast is rooted in late Renaissance developments such as the multiple choirs of Venice and the change in musical aesthetic toward greater emotional expressiveness.
The genre falls into two loose categories—
concerti for many voices and for few.
The many-
voiced type is performed by multiple choirs,
accompanied by organ and/
or orchestra;
it includes such examples as the Vespers (
songs at certain hours)
of the Italian composer Claudio Monteverdi (
Monteverdi, Claudio).
In contrast,
the few-
voiced type was usually set for one or more solo voices and continuo (
low melody instrument,
such as cello or bassoon,
and harmony instrument,
such as an organ or harpsichord).
Leading composers of the few-
voiced type include Monteverdi and Alessandro Grandi (
Grandi, Alessandro).
By the end of the 17th century the two types merged,
scale concerti frequently including vocal solos with continuo accompaniment.
The Italian vocal-instrumental concerto was adopted by German composers for Lutheran religious music. Such works, often based on the melody of a chorale, or German hymn, became the ancestors of the German church cantata. Notable German composers of the vocal-instrumental concerto include Michael Praetorius and Heinrich Schütz.
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