Vidocq, François

Vidocq, François

▪ French detective
born July 24, 1775, Arras, Fr.
died May 11, 1857, Paris

      adventurer and detective who helped create the police de sûreté (“security police”) in France.

      A venturesome, sometimes rash youth, Vidocq had bright beginnings in the army, fighting in the Battles of Valmy and Jemappes in 1792. After having spent several periods in prison, mostly for petty offenses, and having tried his hand at a number of trades, he offered his services to the state in 1809 and created a new police department under Napoleon. His experience of life among thieves in Arras, Paris, and the provinces contributed to the effectiveness of the security brigade. He resigned in 1827 to start a paper and cardboard mill, where he employed former convicts. The business was a failure, and in Louis-Philippe's reign he again became chief of the detective department. Dismissed in 1832 for a theft that he allegedly organized, Vidocq created a private police agency, the prototype of modern detective agencies. It was, however, soon suppressed by the authorities.

      Known all over France as a remarkably audacious man, Vidocq was a friend of such authors as Victor Hugo, Honoré de Balzac, Eugène Sue, and Alexandre Dumas père. Several works were published under Vidocq's name, but it is doubtful that he wrote any of them. The figure of Vidocq is believed to have inspired Balzac's creation of the criminal genius Vautrin, one of the most vivid characters to appear in his novelistic series La Comédie humaine (The Human Comedy).

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