

      company town, north-central Namibia. At an elevation of 4,232 feet (1,290 m), the town is a northern terminus of the country's north-south railway and lies on a main trunk highway about 275 miles (440 km) north of Windhoek, the capital.

      In 1851 Sir Francis Galton (Galton, Sir Francis), a British explorer, made note of copper ore deposits in the vicinity of what later became the town of Tsumeb. An Anglo-German company acquired mining rights for the Tsumeb area in 1903. Southwest of Tsumeb is the site of the final German troop surrender to South African forces in World War I. The town remained a small copper-mining centre until the Tsumeb mine was purchased in 1947 by a largely U.S.-based corporation. It has since been developed as a planned company town (although ownership of the mine has changed hands several times), exploiting mineral deposits that include significant amounts of lead and copper as well as zinc, cadmium, silver, and germanium (a metalloid element used as a semiconductor). An integrated copper and lead smelter treats concentrates from Tsumeb and other mines. Owambo labourers are the chief contract workers. Pop. (2001) 13,108.

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