Tocqueville, Alexis de

Tocqueville, Alexis de

French historian and political writer
born July 29, 1805, Paris, France
died April 16, 1859, Cannes
 political scientist (political science), historian, and politician, best known for Democracy in America, 4 vol. (183540), a perceptive analysis of the political and social system of the United States in the early 19th century.

Early life
      Tocqueville was a great-grandson of the statesman Chrétien de Malesherbes (Malesherbes, Chrétien Guillaume de Lamoignon de) (172194), a liberal aristocratic victim of the French Revolution and a political model for the young Tocqueville. Almost diminutive in stature, acutely sensitive, and plagued by severe bouts of anxiety since childhood, he remained close to his parents throughout his life.

      Despite a frail voice in a fragile body, distaste for the daily demands of parliamentary existence, and long periods of illness and nervous exhaustion, Tocqueville chose politics as his vocation and adhered to this choice until he was driven from office. His decision in favour of a public career was made with some assurance of success. His father was a loyal royalist prefect and in 1827 was made a peer of France by Charles X. At that time, young Tocqueville moved easily into government service as an apprentice magistrate. There he prepared himself for political life while observing the impending constitutional confrontation between the Conservatives and the Liberals, with growing sympathy for the latter. He was strongly influenced by the lectures of the historian and statesman François Guizot (Guizot, François) (17871874), who asserted that the decline of aristocratic privilege was historically inevitable. After the manner of Liberals under the autocratic regime of the restored Bourbon (Bourbon, House of) kings, Tocqueville began to study English history as a model of political development.

      He entered public life in the company of a close friend who was to become his alter egoGustave de Beaumont. Their life histories are virtual mirror images. Of similar backgrounds and positions, they were companions in their travels in America, England, and Algeria, coordinated their writings, and ultimately entered the legislature together.

      The July Revolution of 1830 that put thecitizen kingLouis-Philippe of Orléans on the throne was a turning point for Tocqueville. It deepened his conviction that France was moving rapidly toward complete social equality. Breaking with the older liberal (liberalism) generation, he no longer compared France with the English constitutional monarchy but compared it with democratic (democracy) America. Of more personal concern, despite his oath of loyalty to the new monarch, his position had become precarious because of his family ties with the ousted Bourbon king. He and Beaumont, seeking to escape from their uncomfortable political situation, asked for and received official permission to study the uncontroversial problem of prison reforms in America. They also hoped to return with knowledge of a society that would mark them as especially fit to help mold France's political future.

Visit to the United States
      Tocqueville and Beaumont spent nine months in the United States during 1831 and 1832, out of which came first their joint book, On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application in France (1833); Beaumont's Marie; or, Slavery in the United States (1835), on America's race problems; and the first part of Tocqueville's Democracy in America (183540). On the basis of observations, readings, and discussions with a host of eminent Americans, Tocqueville attempted to penetrate directly to the essentials of American society and to highlight that aspectequality of conditionsthat was most relevant to his own philosophy. Tocqueville's study analyzed the vitality, the excesses, and the potential future of American democracy. Above all, the work was infused with his message that a society, properly organized, could hope to retain liberty in a democratic social order.

      The first part of Democracy in America won an immediate reputation for its author as a political scientist. During this period, probably the happiest and most optimistic of his life, Tocqueville was named to the Legion of Honour, the Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (1838), and the French Academy (1841). With the prizes and royalties from the book, he even found himself able to rebuild his ancestral chateau in Normandy. Within a few years his book had been published in England, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Denmark, and Sweden. Although it was sometimes viewed as having been derived from politically biased sources, it was soon accorded the status of a classic in the United States.

      In 1836 Tocqueville married Mary Mottely, an Englishwoman. Tocqueville spent the next four years working on the final portion of Democracy in America, which was published in 1840. Its composition took far longer, moved farther afield, and ended far more soberly than Tocqueville originally had intended. American society slid into the background, and Tocqueville attempted to complete a picture of the influence of equality itself on all aspects of modern society. France increasingly became his principal example, and what he saw there altered the tone of his work. He observed the curtailment of liberties by the Liberals, who had come to power in 1830, as well as the growth of state intervention in economic development. Most depressing to him was the increased political apathy and acquiescence of his fellow citizens in this rising paternalism. His chapters on democratic individualism and centralization in Democracy in America contained a new warning based on these observations. He argued that a mild, stagnant despotism was the greatest threat to democracy.

First political career
      During this period Tocqueville fulfilled his lifelong ambition to enter politics. He lost his first bid for the Chamber of Deputies in 1837 but won election two years later. Eventually, Tocqueville built up an enormous personal influence in his constituency, winning subsequent elections by more than 70 percent of the vote and becoming president of his departmental council (a local representative body). In local politics his quest for preeminence was completely fulfilled, but his need for uncompromised dignity and independence deprived him of influence in the Chamber of Deputies for a much longer time. He was not able to follow the leadership of others, nor did his oratorical style win him quick recognition as a leader. As a result, he had no major legislative accomplishment to his credit during the reign of Louis-Philippe. His speech prophesying revolution only a few weeks before it took place in France in February 1848 (part of the wider Revolutions of 1848 (1848, Revolutions of) that befell Europe that year) fell on deaf ears. The biting sketches of friend, foe, and even himself in his Recollections (1893) reflect his feeling of the general mediocrity of political leadership before and after 1848.

Revolution of 1848
      The Revolution of 1848 brought about a new political situation for France and for Tocqueville. Having decried apathy as the chief danger for France, Tocqueville recognized even before the revolution that France was faced with a politically awakened working class that might well propel French politics into socialist (socialism) and revolutionary channels. Tocqueville considered economic independence as necessary to the preservation of his own intellectual independence. He thus viewed pressures of the dependent poor for state welfare and of the unemployed for state employment as the initial steps to a universal and degrading dependence on the state by all social classes. Unsympathetic to revolutionaries and contemptuous of socialists before the revolution, Tocqueville opposed the demands of the Parisian workers during the June days of 1848, when their uprising was bloodily suppressed by the military dictator General Louis Cavaignac (Cavaignac, Louis-Eugène), as well as in the debates over the constitution of 1848. The only intellectual change produced in Tocqueville by the events of 1848 was a recognition of the strength of socialist ideas and of the problematic nature of the proprietary society. Although he had sought to reconcile the aristocracy to liberal democracy in Democracy in America, he rejected social democracy as it emerged in 1848 as incompatible with liberal democracy.

      Politically, Tocqueville's own position was dramatically improved by the February Revolution. His electorate expanded from 700 to 160,000 under universal manhood suffrage. He was elected as a conservative Republican to the Constituent Assembly by 79 percent of the voters and again in 1849 by more than 87 percent. Along with Beaumont, he was nominated to the committee that wrote the constitution of the Second Republic, and the following year he became vice president of the Assembly. A government crisis produced by French armed intervention to restore papal authority in Rome prompted his appointment as minister of foreign affairs between June and October 1849, during which time he worked cautiously to preserve the balance of power (power, balance of) in Europe and to prevent France from extending its foreign involvements. His speeches were more successful and his self-confidence soared, but the results gave him little more durable satisfaction than those he had attained during the July monarchy under Louis-Philippe.

      Shortly after his dismissal from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs by President Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (Napoleon III) in October 1849, Tocqueville suffered a physical collapse. After a slow recovery he performed a final service for the Second French Republic. As reporter for the constitutional revision committee, he attempted to avert the final confrontation between the president and the legislature, which ended with an executive seizure of dictatorial power. Briefly imprisoned for opposing Louis-Napoléon's (Napoleon III) coup d'état on December 2, 1851, Tocqueville was deprived of all political offices for refusing his oath of loyalty to the new regime. Thrown back on a small circle of political allies and friends, he felt a deeper sense of isolation and political pessimism than ever before.

Return to politics
      Seeking to reenter politics, he reverted to the strategy of his youthful successthe publication of a book on the fundamental themes of liberty and equality. He chose as his subject the French Revolution, and, after years of research and intermittent illnesses, The Old Regime and the Revolution appeared in 1856 as the first part of his projected study. Tocqueville sought to demonstrate the continuity of political behaviour and attitudes that made postrevolutionary French society as prepared to accept despotism as that of the old regime. In this final study the traumatic events of the years 184851 were clearly the source of his emphasis on the durability of centralization and class hostility in French history. France seemed less the democratic society of the future he had glimpsed in America than the prisoner of its own past. Against the pessimism of his analysis of French political tendencies, The Old Regime reaffirmed the libertarian example of the Anglo-American world. The acclaim that greeted this study briefly dispelled the gloom of his last years. Once again a public figure, he made a visit to England in 1857 that culminated in an audience with the prince consort and was the last public triumph of his life. He returned to his work, but, before he could finish his study of the Revolution, he collapsed and died.

      Tocqueville's reputation in the 19th century reached its high point during the decade following his death as the great European powers accommodated themselves to universal suffrage. He died just at the onset of a revival of liberalism in France. The nine-volume publication of his works, edited by Beaumont (186066), was received as the legacy of a martyr of liberty. In England his name was invoked during the franchise reform debates of the 1860s, and in Germany it was linked to controversies over liberalization and federalization in the years preceding the empire devised by Otto von Bismarck (Bismarck, Otto von). After 1870 his influence began to decline, a process not substantially reversed by either the posthumous publication of his Recollections in 1893 or that of his correspondence with his friend, the diplomatist and philosopher Arthur de Gobineau (Gobineau, Joseph-Arthur, comte de). By the turn of the century, he was almost forgotten, and his works, which seemed too abstract and speculative for a generation that believed only in ascertained knowledge, were generally regarded as outdated classics. Moreover, Tocqueville's prediction of democracy as a vast and uniformly leveling power seemed to have miscarried by not foreseeing both the extent of the new inequalities and conflicts produced by industrialization and those produced by European nationalisms and imperialism. The classless society had failed to appear in Europe, and America seemed to have become European by becoming nationalist and imperialist. In France, Tocqueville's name was too closely identified with a narrowly defined Liberal tradition, which rapidly lost influence during the Third Republic. Although his work as an innovative historian was acknowledged, it is significant that the revival of his ideas and reputation as a political sociologist owes so much to American, English, and German scholarship.

      The 20th-century totalitarian challenge to the survival of liberal institutions produced by two world wars and by the Great Depression of the 1930s fostered aTocqueville renaissance.” The outdated facts of his books seemed less significant than the political philosophy implicit in his search to preserve liberty in public life and his strategies for analyzing latent social tendencies. His work was found to display a wealth of fruitful philosophical and sociological hypotheses. At a popular level, the renewed upsurge of social democracy in Europe after 1945 combined with the polarization of the Cold War to produce a view of Tocqueville in the West as an alternative to Marx as a prophet of social change. Again, as in the late 1850s and 1860s, Tocqueville rose to heights of popularity, especially in the 1990s in the United States, where his travels were retraced. It seems certain that Tocqueville will continue to be invoked as an authority and inspiration by those sharing his contempt of static authoritarian societies as well as his belief in the final disappearance of class divisions and in liberty as the ultimate political value.

Seymour Drescher Ed.

Additional Reading
Publication of all Tocqueville's major works is in Oeuvres, papiers, et correspondances, ed. by J.P. Mayer (1951– ). English translations of his major works include Democracy in America, trans. by Henry Reeve, rev. by Francis Bowen, and ed. by Phillips Bradley, 2 vol. (1945, reissued 1999); The Old Régime and the French Revolution, trans. by Stuart Gilbert (1955, reissued 1983); and Recollections, trans. by George Lawrence and ed. by J.P. Mayer and A.P. Kerr (1971). Important coauthored works translated into English are, with Arthur Gobineau, The European Revolution & Correspondence with Gobineau, ed. and trans. by John Lukacs (1959, reprinted 1974); and, with Gustave de Beaumont, On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application in France (1964, reissued 1979).There are several 20th-century biographies and studies of Tocqueville, including André Jardin, Tocqueville: A Biography (1988, reissued 1998; originally published in French, 1984); R. Pierre Marcel (Pierre René Roland-Marcel), Essai politique sur Alexis de Tocqueville: avec un grand nombre documents inédits (1910); Antoine Redier, Comme disait Monsieur de Tocqueville… (1925); and J.P. Mayer, Prophet of the Mass Age: A Study of Alexis de Tocqueville, trans. by M.M. Bozman and C. Hahn (1939; also published as Alexis de Tocqueville: A Biographical Essay in Political Science, 1940). There has been a considerable literature on Tocqueville and his travels in America, including George Wilson Pierson, Tocqueville and Beaumont in America (1938; also published as Tocqueville in America, 1996); and Michael A. Ledeen, Tocqueville on American Character: Why Tocqueville's Brilliant Exploration of the American Spirit Is as Vital and Important Today as It Was Nearly Two Hundred Years Ago (2000).An excellent study of his private life is Edward T. Gargan, De Tocqueville (1965), which also contains an analysis of his formative studies before 1830. Tocqueville's special relationship with Beaumont is studied in Pierson as well as in Seymour Drescher (ed.), Tocqueville and Beaumont on Social Reform (1968). The influence of his English visits is dealt with in Seymour Drescher, Tocqueville and England (1964). Tocqueville's early political career can be examined in Marcel (cited above); Mary Lawlor, Alexis de Tocqueville in the Chamber of Deputies: His Views on Foreign and Colonial Policy (1959); and various essays in Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Alexis de Tocqueville: livre du centenaire, 18591959 (1960). Edward T. Gargan, Alexis de Tocqueville: The Critical Years, 18481851 (1955), analyzes the period of the Second Republic; and Richard Herr, Tocqueville and the Old Regime (1962), covers the period of Tocqueville's study of the French Revolution.Interpretations of Tocqueville's thought include Jack Lively, The Social and Political Thought of Alexis de Tocqueville (1962, reissued 1965); Raymond Aron, Essai sur les libertés (1965, reissued 1991); Marvin Zetterbaum, Tocqueville and the Problem of Democracy (1967, reissued 1989); Jürgen Feldhoff, Die Politik der egalitären Gesellschaft: zur soziologischen Demokratie-Analyse bei Alexis de Tocqueville (1968); Seymour Drescher, Dilemmas of Democracy: Tocqueville and Modernization (1968); and Irving M. Zeitlin, Liberty, Equality, and Revolution in Alexis de Tocqueville (1971).Seymour Drescher

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  • Tocqueville, Alexis de — (1805 59) An early French sociologist who travelled to the United States between 1831 and 1832 to observe democracy at work. His classic work Democracy in America (1835 40) identifies within democracies a tension between equality and liberty… …   Dictionary of sociology

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