Theopompus of Chios

Theopompus of Chios

Greek historian
born 378/377 BC, Chios, Ionia [Greece]
died c. 320 BC, Alexandria, Egypt

      Greek historian and rhetorician whose Philippica, though lost in its original form, has survived through the work of later writers to form one element in the tradition concerning the reign of Philip II of Macedon (Philip II). Theopompus was twice exiled from his native town, first as a young man and then in 323 BC, after the death of Alexander the Great, and he was one of the leaders of the aristocratic party in Chios. Theopompus also spent time in Athens, Macedon, and Egypt.

      His works, which were chiefly historical, included the Hellenica, which treated the history of Greece, in 12 books, from 411 (where Thucydides breaks off) to 394the date of the Battle of Cnidus and the end of Spartan hegemony. Of this work only a few fragments survive. A far more elaborate work was the Philippica, a history in 58 books of Philip's reign (359336). The Philippica was not a life of Philip II but rather a universal history of Greece and the Middle East in Philip's days. It discussed politics, war, geography, cultural and religious history, marvels, and even myth. Among the famous digressions were the account of the Athenian demagogue and three books on the history of Sicily in the age of the tyrants of SyracuseDionysius I and his son, Dionysius II. Theopompus left no doubt of his sympathies for Sparta and Philip.

      In spite of some extravagance both of style and of judgment, examples of which can be seen in the extant fragments, it seems likely that Theopompus was the most interesting and considerable of all the Greek historians whose work has been lost.

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Universalium. 2010.

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