

▪ Japanese architectural style
      (Japanese: “Indian Style”), one of the three main styles of Japanese Buddhist architecture in the Kamakura period (1192–1333). The style is impressive for the size and multiplicity of its parts. Its unique and most characteristic feature is the elaborate bracketing of beams and blocks under the eaves.

      The introduction of Tenjiku to Japan seems to have been an accidental by-product of the revival of Nara Buddhism. It was used most extensively in the rebuilding of the Tōdai Temple (Tōdai-ji)—its most impressive monument being the Nandai-mon, or Great South Gate. The decision to adopt the style apparently was that of a single priest, Chogen, of the Pure Land, or Jōdō, sect, who was put in charge of the reconstruction. The style rapidly declined in popularity after his death in 1205, its character being so alien to Japanese taste. By the late 13th century, it had been assimilated into a more congenial style, and by the 14th century, except for restorations of buildings originally constructed in the style, it had been almost completely forgotten.

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