

      city, north-central Morocco. Located south of the Rif Mountains (Rif), the city is composed of two formerly separate towns built on separate terraces overlooking a mountain valley. The old town (medina) is at an elevation of about 1,900 feet (580 metres) above sea level and is surrounded by fortifications; the newer town, established by the French in 1920, is located in a fertile plain at an elevation of 1,500 feet (450 metres). Fossil remains are evidence that caves in the area were inhabited as early as the Paleolithic Period. The city is located in a mountain pass known as the Taza Gap, through which successive waves of invaders moved westward onto the Atlantic coastal plains of northwestern Africa. Taza was founded by Imazighen (Berbers (Berber)) of the Meknassa group (about the time of the late 7th-century Arab-Muslim conquest), who gave alliance to the Idrīsid dynasty in 790 and later joined with the Fāṭimids of Al-Qayrawān. The Almoravids took over Taza in 1074 and were replaced by the Almohads in 1132. In 1248 it was captured by the Marīnids. Although Taza barred the route of Ottomans from Algiers who sought conquest in what is now Morocco, it fell to the French in 1914. The medina houses barbican monuments, mosques, and a 14th-century madrasah (religious college). Pop. (2004) 139,686.

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  • Taza — is a city in northern Morocco, about 100 km east of Fez. It has a population of 139,686 (2004 census) and is the capital of Taza Province.Taza city, north central Morocco. Located south of the Rif Mountains, the city is composed of two formerly… …   Wikipedia

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  • taza — (Del ár. tassa.) ► sustantivo femenino 1 Recipiente pequeño de porcelana u otro material, con un asa, usado para beber: ■ se ha roto una de las tazas del juego de café. 2 Cantidad de líquido que cabe en una taza: ■ dame una taza de caldo. 3 Parte …   Enciclopedia Universal

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