Sumner, James Batcheller

Sumner, James Batcheller

American biochemist
born Nov. 19, 1887, Canton, Mass., U.S.
died Aug. 12, 1955, Buffalo, N.Y.

      American biochemist and corecipient, with John Howard Northrop (Northrop, John Howard) and Wendell Meredith Stanley (Stanley, Wendell Meredith), of the 1946 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Sumner was the first to crystallize an enzyme, an achievement that revealed the protein nature of enzymes.

      After crystallizing the enzyme urease in 1926, Sumner went to Stockholm to study with Hans von Euler-Chelpin (Euler-Chelpin, Hans von) and Theodor Svedberg (Svedberg, Theodor H.E.). He crystallized the enzyme catalase in 1937 and also contributed to the purification of several other enzymes. He was a professor at the Cornell University Medical School in Ithaca, New York, from 1929 to 1955 and became director in 1947 of the Cornell laboratory of enzyme chemistry, an institution that was established in recognition of his work.

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  • Sumner,James Batcheller — Sumner, James Batcheller. 1887 1955. American biochemist. He shared a 1946 Nobel Prize for his pioneering work on crystallizing enzymes. * * * …   Universalium

  • Sumner , James Batcheller — (1877–1955) American biochemist Sumner, a wealthy cotton manufacturer s son from Canton, Massachusetts, was educated at Harvard, where he obtained his PhD in 1914. In the same year he took up an appointment at the Cornell Medical School where, in …   Scientists

  • Sumner, James (Batcheller) — born Nov. 19, 1887, Canton, Mass., U.S. died Aug. 12, 1955, Buffalo, N.Y. U.S. biochemist. He taught at Cornell University (1929–55). In 1926 he became the first researcher to crystallize an enzyme (urease); he later crystallized catalase and… …   Universalium

  • Sumner, James Batcheller — ► (1887 1955) Bioquímico estadounidense. Fue premio Nobel de Química en 1946, compartido con Northrop y Stanley, por sus investigaciones sobre las enzimas …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Sumner, James (Batcheller) — (19 nov. 1887, Canton, Mass., EE.UU.–12 ago. 1955, Buffalo, N.Y.). Bioquímico estadounidense. Enseñó en la Universidad de Cornell (1929–55). En 1926 se convirtió en el primer investigador en cristalizar una enzima (ureasa); más tarde cristalizó… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • James Batcheller Sumner — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sumner. James Batcheller Sumner (19 novembre 1887 12 août 1955) est un chimiste américain, lauréat de la moitié du prix Nobel de chimie de 1946[1] …   Wikipédia en Français

  • James Batcheller Sumner — (* 19. November 1887 in Canton, Massachusetts, USA; † 12. August 1955 in Buffalo, New York) war ein amerikanischer Chemiker und Nobelpreisträger. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Wirken …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • James Batcheller Sumner — (Canton, EUA 1887 Buffalo 1955) fue un químico, bioquímico y profesor universitario estadounidense galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Química del año 1946. Biografía Estudió química en la Universidad de Harvard, donde se licenció en 1910. En 1912 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Sumner — James Batcheller …   Scientists

  • James B. Sumner — James Batcheller Sumner Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sumner. James Batcheller Sumner (19 novembre 1887 12 août 1955) est un chimiste américain, colauréat avec John Howard Northrop et Wendell Meredith Stanley du prix Nobel …   Wikipédia en Français

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