submissive behaviour

submissive behaviour

      form of animal behaviour in which one individual attempts through appeasement displays to avoid injury by a dominant member of its own species. Appeasement displays are commonly found in species that are well armed (e.g., carnivores) and social. The displays, even when performed by adult males, commonly incorporate elements of infantile behaviour (e.g., in wolves, rolling over and begging for food) or of precopulatory behaviour (e.g., in baboons, presenting the buttocks to the dominant animal). Sometimes the submissive animal exposes its most vulnerable spot, such as the throat, to the dominant animal.

      Submissive displays, and their calming effect on the dominant animal, have evolved because they prevent fighting that might result in unnecessary injury to members of a social group dependent on each other for their welfare. See also dominance hierarchy.

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Universalium. 2010.

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